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按分类查找All Ftp客户端(9) 
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[Ftp客户端] imail

一个远端 HTML 编辑软件。所见即所得的编辑器。输入ftp地址用户名密码后,自动下载ftp上的 HTML 文件并显示在编辑框中,方便编辑
A remote HTML editing software. WYSIWYG editor. Enter the address ftp username and password, HTML files and automatically download ftp on display in the edit box, easy to edit (2016-05-13, ASP, 688KB, 下载1次)


[Ftp客户端] source

一个远端 HTML 编辑软件。所见即所得的编辑器。输入ftp地址用户名密码后,自动下载ftp上的 HTML 文件并显示在编辑框中,方便编辑
A remote HTML editing software. WYSIWYG editor. Enter the address ftp username and password, HTML files and automatically download ftp on display in the edit box, easy to edit (2016-05-10, ASP, 12KB, 下载1次)


[Ftp客户端] 5UMyIIS

本次升级,优化部分程序,支持FTP的开设(是IIS自带的FTP服务,安装好IISFTP,然后给IISFTP根目录 Everyone 读取权限即可) 本软件只支持 Win2003 和 Win2000 服务器,首次使用前先修改下 myiis.ini 文件里的配置信息。 在 myiis.ini 里以 [WEB000000] 结构存放的是每个站点的FTP帐号和密码(如果安装了IISFTP的话)
This upgrade, optimization of the program, supported by the opening of FTP (FTP comes with the IIS service installed IISFTP, then to the root directory IISFTP Everyone permissions to read) The software only supports Win2003 and Win2000 server, using the modified first before the first under myiis.ini file configuration information. In myiis.ini in order to [WEB000000] structure is stored in FTP account and password for each site (if installed IISFTP words) (2016-04-25, ASP, 50KB, 下载1次)


[Ftp客户端] 8uftp

u8ftp专用上传工具,快速,方便上传码源。下载。编辑码源 (2010-06-17, ASP, 340KB, 下载408次)


[Ftp客户端] mysv

myserver (2009-09-28, ASP, 1176KB, 下载4次)


[Ftp客户端] zxjaywebexplorer

基于浏览器的简易资源管理器(源码) 制作的初衷是没有FTP的情况下能够修改自己的网站,安全方面用form认证。全Ajax实现,支持文件浏览、新建编辑文件(夹)、删除移动重命名文件、压缩解压zip文件、文件上传下载等。基本支持IE5.5以上、FF、Opera浏览器。
Simple browser-based resource management device (source) is not the original intention of making the case of FTP to modify your site, use form authentication security. Ajax-wide to achieve in support of document browsing, editing the new file (folder), rename move delete files, extract zip compressed files, such as uploading and downloading. IE5.5 and above the basic support, FF, Opera browser. (2009-05-10, ASP, 817KB, 下载4次)


[Ftp客户端] Group_Ftp

Similar to FTP download capabilities, the need for FTP server support (2008-11-22, ASP, 377KB, 下载4次)


[Ftp客户端] softhy172b

how to use the Serv-U FTP server set up, interested parties can see (2006-10-19, ASP, 281KB, 下载5次)


[Ftp客户端] gjy2

ASP FTP server function on the server side by adding ASP documents, can be achieved-- FTP server functions, exhibitions Oh! (2005-09-11, ASP, 352KB, 下载12次)
