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按分类查找All 数据库系统(5) 
按平台查找All ASP(5) 

[数据库系统] test

Online examination system design and implementation, use the browser for online exam (2010-01-06, ASP, 427KB, 下载13次)


[数据库系统] dataedit

SQL and ACCESS database editor, online editor database (2008-12-22, ASP, 12KB, 下载6次)


[数据库系统] aienAjaxASP

开发语言为Asp,服务器脚本为VBScript AJAX部分采用JQuery框架,功能代码均为原创 数据库暂时采用ACCESS
Development language for the Asp, the server part of the script for VBScript AJAX using JQuery framework, functional code are temporarily original database using ACCESS (2008-12-17, ASP, 362KB, 下载8次)


[数据库系统] school

1,新闻栏目二级分类,随意修改,管理员分级管理 2,采用强大的HTML编辑器输入新闻文章 3,不存在任何新闻内容不能分段,不出空格的问题 4,可以直接复制任何图文信息,输出和原来格式一模一样 5,前台使用JS随意调用新闻 6,支持图片新闻,无组件上传图片到数据库,前台JS调用 7,安装使用方便,你只需把头部文件top.asp换成你的就可以了
1, 2 news columns classification, arbitrary changes to the administrator management at different levels 2, using a powerful HTML editor input news articles 3, there is no news content can not be sub-paragraph, no spaces in question 4, you can directly copy any graphic information, the output and the original format of the same 5, the prospects of using the JS call free press 6, to support the picture of news, no component upload images to the database, front JS call 7, the installation of easy to use, you simply head top.asp document you can replace the (2008-12-03, ASP, 585KB, 下载5次)


[数据库系统] jsqs

A good site to visit counters, database access. (2008-06-22, ASP, 20KB, 下载76次)
