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[网址推荐] 5522

A special website management system designed for various trade union units. Nanjing City website management system is well-known website building software, it is developed by the technical staff of a ready-made site building software, mainly for the country's institutions, enterprises, companies and self-help stations to provide convenience. Site system without complex installation requirements, suitable for the use of staff. Features: safe, stable, beautiful, practical and easy to operate, can be assigned administrator rights. 1, site management
A special website management system designed for various trade union units. Nanjing City website management system is well-known website building software, it is developed by the technical staff of a ready-made site building software, mainly for the country's institutions, enterprises, companies and self-help stations to provide convenience. Site system without complex installation requirements, suitable for the use of staff. Features: safe, stable, beautiful, practical and easy to operate, can be assigned administrator rights. 1, site management (2017-07-08, ASP, 9360KB, 下载1次)


[网址推荐] wishcn

网愿科技--个人主页系统V1.0 默认用户名:gohgd 密码均为admin888 无需安装,解压即可使用。 使用及升级说明:此系统需要FSO支持,如果你的服务器不支持FSO,将不能使用此系统. 如果你的系统不支持FSO,建议您与管理员联系,寻求解决方法。 如果你已使用此系统的之前的版本,但系统不支持FSO,请勿升级到此版本.
network is willing to technology-- Personal Home System V1.0 default user name : gohgd admin888 passwords are no installation, can be extracted using. Use and escalation : This system needs to support the FSO, if your server does not support FSO, will not use this system. If your system does not support FSO, it is recommended that you contact with the administrators to seek a solution. If you are using this system earlier versions, but do not support the FSO system, do not upgrade version here. (2006-09-17, ASP, 2236KB, 下载7次)


[网址推荐] jisuanqi_count

This is asp prepared by the computer program, and have strong value, (2006-09-06, ASP, 23KB, 下载6次)


[网址推荐] qiuyi40

秋忆工作室在线文件管理器 v4.0 新增功能: 1、部分程序源代码经过重新调整编写,优化程序执行和修补漏洞。 2、某些界面或者显示重新调整和新增更好的显示效果,替换成XP标准图标。 3、增强多用户管理路径的检测。 4、增强用户密码MD5加密。 5、新增对浏览器检测,对IE与非IE浏览器都适用。 6、新增登陆显示上一次登陆管理的IP和时间。 7、新增计算用户管理目录的已用空间。 8、新增用户在同一时间只能在一个IP登陆功能,即不能同时在两个以上IP登陆。 9、增强用户组管理,采用MD5加密检测,用户不能通过修改Session值提升权限。 10、增强管理目录检测,采用MD5加密检查,用户不能通过修改Session值提升管理目录范围。 11、显示文件大小更直观、更准确。
autumn recalled studio for online document management v4.0 new features : 1. Some source code re-adjust the preparation, implementation and optimization program plug the loopholes. 2, or interface showed some re-adjustment and the new show better results, replace the standard XP icon. 3, enhanced multi-user management path testing. 4, enhance user MD5 password encryption. 5, a new detection to the browser, IE with non-IE browsers are applicable. 6, landing showed that the new landing a management IP and time. 7, a new user directory management space has been used. 8, new users at the same time only in an IP landing function, which is not in the above two IP landing. 9, and enhance user group management, the use of MD5 detection, users can not change the value Session upgrade competence. 10 (2006-09-04, ASP, 82KB, 下载9次)


[网址推荐] book223

程序直接上传即可运行 美化自"小说天下" [color=Red][u][b][size=3]7月将推出美化模板模块使大家不在局限与这一种模板 同步推出,免后台自动入库功能的版本,可选生成HTML和TXT[/size][/b][/u][/color] 演示 [url]http://www.cnend.net/default.asp[/url] [color=Red][font=黑体][size=5] 强烈鄙视在我测试站测试后不恢复原状且私自添加自己站的 iframe 隐藏框架首页 是谁自己心里清楚![/size][/font][/color] [安装必读] 1、首先把所有的程序全部传到你的服务器上 2、你可以把所有文件放在你的网站根目录下,也可以用虚拟目录来运行,同样都可以支持。 3、后台管理地址:http://你的域名/admin/index.asp,默认管理员用户名、密码admin 6月1日更新 1、不能修改系统初始信息 2、不能添加及修改公告 3、后台登出文件缺失 6月5日更新 1、修改站点名称无效 2、广告无效 3、后台返回首页连接错误
procedures can be uploaded directly from the operation beautify "the world novels" [color = Red] [u] [b] [size = 3] will be launched in July landscaping template module so that we are not confined to a template with the simultaneous launch,- background function automatically depositing version, Optional generate HTML and TXT [/ size] [/ b] [/ u] [/ color] Demo [ur l] http :// www.cnend.net/http://hq.unhabitat.org/rdmu/isdr/default.asp [/ url] [color = Red font =] [bold] [size = 5] I strongly despise the testing station after testing restitution and private Since adding stand framework of the hidden iframe homepage who feel well! [/ size] [/ fon t] [/ color] [mandatory installation] a, first of all you have all the procedures reached on the two servers, You can put all the do (2006-08-13, ASP, 155KB, 下载3次)


[网址推荐] qiannianxiaotouv2.1

特色: 1、无须维护,与1000n.com主站同步更新 2、使用P2P专用播放器 3、提供迅雷直接下载 4、提供BT下载种子 5、页面均在本地可以自由增加广告
characteristics : 1, no maintenance, and 1000n.com master synchronization update 2 exclusive use of P2P three players, Thunderbolt downloaded directly 4, BT download 5 seed, pages were free to increase local advertising (2006-08-03, ASP, 173KB, 下载2次)


[网址推荐] mmdown

木目下载系统 功能简介   1) 采用ASP2HTM技术,所有面页均由ASP快速生成HTM。   2) 采用符合Web2.0标准的XHTML+CSS开发而成。   3) 生成所有页面均能通过XHTML+CSS校验!   4) 支持FireFox浏览器,满足更多用户的需求。   5) 提供RSS2.0订阅功能,无需浏览器,即可快速获得最新软件信息。    更多功能,等待您的发现
KIME download profiles a) use ASP2HTM technology, all face ASP pages are generated quickly HTM. 2) consistent with the standards of Web2.0 XHTML CSS was developed. 3) generates all the pages pass XHTML CSS Validation! 4) support Firefox browser, to meet the demands of more users. 5) RSS2.0 subscription function without the browser can quickly access the latest information on software. More features, the discovery awaits you (2006-08-03, ASP, 677KB, 下载7次)


[网址推荐] gaobei

a powerful, concise layout of the site generous system, a combination of articles, downloads, products, news, voice mail, notice, so on one count of using a main site with users from the function, not only to facilitate management, also a greater extent to enhance the security of the system, using 64 md5 encrypted. Integrated WYSIWYG editor, added two free classification, a flexible navigation management, the convenience of calling columns, systems suitable for personal web sites, small and medium companies website. (2006-08-01, ASP, 933KB, 下载58次)


[网址推荐] xstv26

1、高速连接网络电视、宽带在线电影,成功连接率在90%以上,每天更新。 2、所有节目无须管理员操作,均由后台自动更新。 3、客户端要求只需要IE6和Windows Media Player最新版本播放器。 4、时时的反馈和更新,会保证所有的电视节目能流畅的观看。 5、央视、地方、港台地区的电视节目,绝对能够给你的网站吸引更多人气。 6、简单的操作界面,即使不会玩电脑的网友也能够明白的使用。 7、提供5种不同风格的界面。 8、新增CCTV频道。其中CCTV-5为世界杯而打造。
a high-speed network linking TV, broadband movies online, connecting success rate of more than 90%, updated daily. Two, not all the programs administrators operation, are automatically updated background. 3, the client need only request IE6 and Windows Media Player version of the latest players. 4, the feedback and constantly update will ensure that all television programming to watch the fluid. 5, CCTV, local, Hong Kong and Taiwan regions, the program definitely will give your website to attract more popular. 6, a simple user interface, even if it did not play on the computer netizens to understand their use. 7, 5 different style interface. 8, the new CCTV channels. Which CCTV-5 for the World Cup and create. (2006-06-24, ASP, 581KB, 下载20次)


[网址推荐] 特殊高级计算器

第一步:把如下代码加入<body>区域中 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="java-script"> <!-- Begin function doit() { form.input.value = eval(form.input.value) } function Cos() { x = form.input.value if (x == ) alert( Error: Input Required ) else form.input.value = Math.cos(x) } function Sin() { x = form.input.value if (x == ) alert( Error: Input Required ) else form.input.value = Math.sin(x) } function Ln() { x = form.input.value if (x == ) alert( Error: Input Required )
first step : put the following code to join lt; Bodygt; Region lt; SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "java-script" gt; Lt; !-- Begin function doit () (form.input.value = eval (form.input.value)) Cos function () (x = form.input.value if (x ==) alert (Error : Input Required) = else form.input.value Math.cos (x)) function Sin () (x = form.input. value if (x ==) alert (Error : Input Required) = else form.input.value Math.sin (x)) function Ln () (x = form.input.value if (x ==) alert (Error : Input Required) (2005-08-24, ASP, 5KB, 下载233次)


[网址推荐] 简单方便的音乐小偷

小偷程序的最大弊端就是不能长久 大部分的小偷经常会遇到服务器源更改数据库造成无法使用的问题 本程序就直接做成了这种即使服务器源更改数据也不影响的形式
the biggest shortcoming is not a long time most of the thieves will always be changes in the source database server caused the problem can not use the procedures directly resulted in the server even if the source of such changes do not affect data in the form (2005-06-23, ASP, 405KB, 下载15次)
