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[TCP/IP协议栈] IPv6-Essentials--2nd-ed

IPv6 要点第二版深入介绍IPv6的特性与功能,包括如何在主机或路由器上配置IPv6以及目前哪些应用支持IPv6. 本书适用于网络系统管理员,工程师,网络设计以及IT管理者。
IPv6 Essentials, Second Edition provides a succinct, in-depth tour of all the new features and functions in IPv6. It guides you through everything you need to know to get started, including how to configure IPv6 on hosts and routers and which applications currently support IPv6. Aimed at system and network administrators, engineers, network designers, and IT managers, this book will help you understand, plan for, design, and integrate IPv6 into your current IPv4 infrastructure. (2011-11-21, CHM, 4531KB, 下载7次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] Typical-configuratioof-routers-

Typical configuration examples in the low-end routers V1.8 (2011-04-10, CHM, 3945KB, 下载4次)
