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按平台查找All CHM(17) 

[单片机开发] qichebaojingprj

qichebaojingqi,very good student alarm ic program schpcb file ,good dood load! (2016-08-08, CHM, 188KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] GSM-SEND

本课题要求对水位检测系统的原理和GMS技术作一定的了解,结合给定的设计要求,设计一个完成一个基于GSM短信模块液位检测系统。系统的检测对象为液位,当水位低于或高于给定的设定水位时,液位传感器检测到后,信息会经单片机处理后,并通过GSM短信模块,发送信息到用户手机上。 (2) 本毕业设计的相关要求: 1、 系统带有液晶显示提示操作信息,并显示液位信息,并有键盘作为输入设备; 2、 液位的报警值上限和下限可以通过键盘设置; 3、 当液位超过设置的报警上限值或下限值时,系统会发送短信到用户手机上。 4、 短信内容要有相应的提示信息,比如液位超过上限值或者低于下限值,液位信息等。
The topic of the principles and requirements of GMS technical level detection system for a certain understanding, combined with a given design requirements, design a GSM SMS module to complete a level detection system. Object detection system for liquid level, when the water level is below or above a given set level, the level sensor is detected, the information will be processed by the microcontroller and by GSM SMS module, send the information to the user s mobile phone. (2) The design of graduation requirements: 1, the system prompts with LCD information and displays the level of information, and there is a keyboard as an input device 2, the level of alarm value upper and lower limits can be set via the keyboard 3, when the upper or lower limit exceeds the set alarm level, the system will send text messages to mobile phone users. 4, the message content must be appropriate message, such as the level exceeds the upper limit or below the lower limit, the level information. (2015-11-17, CHM, 33KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] 200971710533189

ST单片机C编译器说明手册C Cross Compiler User’s Guide for ST Microelectronics STM8
C Cross Compiler User’s Guide for ST Microelectronics STM8 (2014-09-28, CHM, 1402KB, 下载17次)


[单片机开发] RFbeam

24 Ghz radar sensor manual RFbeam product development manual (2014-09-28, CHM, 1202KB, 下载35次)


[单片机开发] 51

51 single-chip fixed-point and floating-point operations subroutine, and a detailed list of the special function registers and assembly instructions (2012-10-21, CHM, 123KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] qiangdaqi

抢答器 使用汇编编写的 适合学生使用 已经经过测试 但还可能会有错误,请您谅解
Vies to answer first written in assembly is suitable for students of use has tested but may also will be wrong, please you understanding (2012-02-21, CHM, 2KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] shuziwenducuanganqi

Use made of 51 SCM digital thermometer, the device used for temperature sensor, it contains the principle diagram extremely simulation diagram and the source program. (2011-12-30, CHM, 1731KB, 下载5次)


[单片机开发] STCModbus-rtu

stc monbus (2011-08-31, CHM, 178KB, 下载19次)


[单片机开发] MDK_help_cn

MDK most detailed Chinese manual. keil is currently the most widely used compiler software, compiler and ARM processors including the 51, including most of the processing applications. This document details the use of the software and some advanced applications of basic instructions. (2010-12-12, CHM, 19672KB, 下载265次)


[单片机开发] CSS

CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) 中文翻译为 层叠样式表单,简称样式单。它是近几年才发展起来的新技术,1998年5月12日,Cascading Style Sheets,level 2 成为了W3C 的新标准。同时,”W3C CoreStyles "和CSS2 Validation Service" 以及“CSS Test Suite" 宣布成立。它是一组样式,样式中的属性在HTML元素中依次出现,并显示在浏览器中。样式可以定义在HTML文档的标志(TAG)里,也可以在外部附加文档作为外加文档。此时,一个样式表单可以作用于多个页面---甚至整个站点,因此具有更好的易用性和扩展性。我个人认为CSS好比是HTML语言的PLUSIN(插件),插件的功能大家应该知道,就是壮大原有的功能。你可以精确的控制主页里的每一个元素,比如一个字,用CSS你可以给它控制它的前景色、背景色、背景图片、在页面的精确位置,四周加入边框等。可以说CSS的功能是无比的强大。W3C 也极力向世界推广这一先进技术。
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Cascading style sheets translated into Chinese, referred to a single style. It is only in recent years developed new technologies, May 12, 1998, Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 became a W3C s new standard. At the same time, "W3C CoreStyles" and CSS2 Validation Service "and" CSS Test Suite "announced. It is a style, the style attribute in HTML elements in order of appearance and display in your browser. Styles can be defined in the HTML document logo (TAG), the outside can also attach additional documentation as a document. At this point, a pattern form can act on multiple pages--- or even the whole site, it has better ease of use and scalability. I think like a HTML, CSS the PLUSIN (plug), plug-in features you should know that the original function of growth. You can control precisely where each page element, such as a word, you can use CSS to its control It is the foreground color, background color, background image, the exact location of the page, surroun (2010-07-06, CHM, 181KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] control

Intelligent home electric water heater controller, PDF documents, hoping to a bit role. (2009-05-16, CHM, 272KB, 下载10次)


[单片机开发] mcu

Designed 8051-based smart water-saving controller, can be used to practice Living (2009-03-17, CHM, 51KB, 下载19次)


[单片机开发] USB-MSD-RD

With 51 single-chip microcomputer to read and write SD card with 51 single-chip SD card reader (2009-02-11, CHM, 1261KB, 下载42次)


[单片机开发] chaojidanpianjigongju

Super Singlechip tools, baud rate, the timer, the serial debug (2008-11-20, CHM, 434KB, 下载6次)


[单片机开发] STM32F103_cn

STM32 芯片中文手册。 STM32F103_cn.rar
STM32 chip Chinese manual. STM32F103_cn.rar (2008-08-03, CHM, 421KB, 下载272次)


[单片机开发] mrjhzl

BS-care information for the multi-parameter monitor the day-to-day maintenance of equipment, more comprehensive, and the entire process is introduced (2007-01-23, CHM, 12079KB, 下载370次)


[单片机开发] bijindianji

The main course design to the LED, loudspeaker and stepper motor control. Stepper motor is the working principle of electrical pulse signal into angular displacement of a Electromechanical Digital to Analog. Stepper motor rotation angular displacement input pulse is proportional to the number; stepper motor speed and input pulse proportional to the frequency; Stepper motor rotation direction and input pulse on winding increase on the order of-- (2007-01-03, CHM, 101KB, 下载3次)
