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按分类查找All 视频捕捉采集剪辑(2) 
按平台查找All matlab(2) 

[视频捕捉采集剪辑] Motion-compensation

The motion compensation is a description of the adjacent frame (adjacent represented here on the coding relationship adjacent two, on the playback sequence not necessarily adjacent) difference method, specifically the one described earlier (adjacent said herein the coding relationship in front of, on the playback sequence not necessarily how each small block in the current frame the front) to move to a location in the current frame to go. Such methods are often video compression/video codec used to reduce the redundancy of the airspace in the video sequence (2012-12-19, matlab, 10550KB, 下载65次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] mplay

Tell you how to write a multimedia player (2009-01-09, matlab, 20KB, 下载43次)
