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按平台查找All PowerBuilder(2) 

[教育系统应用] PowerBuilderstudent-system

是一个学生信息管理系统的 打架啊司法鉴定考司法局飞的发生的咖啡机上单飞技术开发就兽狂福建省福克斯的减肥是空间
Technology development on a solo student information management system to fight ah fly Bureau of Justice forensic examination occurred on the coffee machine, Fujian Fox Diet mad beast space (2014-03-23, PowerBuilder, 728KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] PbLibraryManageSystem

  本程序是PB8.0+SQL的图书馆管理系统。 1。SQL数据源文件:book_data.mdf,book_log.ldf. 2。将test.ini文件放到C盘根目录,然后修改该文件里面的服务器名. 3。运行BOOKGL。EXE 注意:管理者帐号:aaa 密码:aaa (不能借书) 读者号:从 0001 到 0007 (能借书)
this procedure is POWERBUILDER8.0+ SQL library management system. 1. SQL data source documents : book_data.mdf, book_log.ldf. 2. Test.ini document will be put C deep-rooted directories, and then modifies the file server name. 3. BOOKGL operation. EXE NOTE : Account managers : aaa Password : aaa (not charging) readers : From 0001 to 0007 (to the library) (2007-03-17, PowerBuilder, 351KB, 下载109次)
