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按平台查找All PowerBuilder(1) 

[电子书籍] wince2

一般認為Windows CE是一個適合嵌入式應用的通用作業系統,然而,從系統的角度來看,Windows CE並不只是一個作業系統,它還包括對多種目標處理器以及週邊設備的支援,並提供了系統開發工具、應用開發工具、整合的應用程式
generally believed that Windows CE is an embedded application for the generic operating system, however, from the system's point of view, Windows CE is not just an operating system, It also includes a variety of target processors to peripheral equipment and support, and to provide a system development tools, application development tools, Integration of Applications (2006-08-16, PowerBuilder, 561KB, 下载52次)
