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[Java编程] javajichu

Java简介 Sun Microsystems 于1995年推出 1991 年Sun公司的James Gosling等人开始开发名称为 Oak 的语言。希望用于控制嵌入在有线电视交换盒、PDA等的微处理器 1994年将Oak语言更名为Java Java 既安全、可移植,又可跨平台,而且人们发现它能够解决Internet 上的大型应用问题
About Sun Microsystems Java launched in 1995, 1991, Sun' s James Gosling, who began developing the name for the Oak language. Hope for controlling the exchange is embedded in the cable box, PDA and other microprocessor in 1994 was renamed the Oak language Java Java is safe, portable, but also cross-platform, and it was found to be able to solve the problem of large-scale applications on the Internet (2011-04-14, PPT, 12852KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] JSP

JDK(Java Developer Kit, Java开发工具包)是Sun公司提供的Java开发工具。开发JSP必须使用JDK工具包,它包含Java编译器、解释器和虚拟机(JVM),为JSP页面文件、Servlet程序提供编译和运行环境。JSP引擎使用JDK提供的编译器,将Servlet源代码文件编译为字节码文件。Servlet引擎使用JDK提供的虚拟机(JVM)运行servlet字节码文件。
JDK (Java Developer Kit, Java Development Kit) is Sun' s Java development tools provided. JSP must use the JDK development kit, which contains the Java compiler, interpreter and virtual machine (JVM), the page file for the JSP, Servlet program provides compiler and runtime environment. JSP engine uses the JDK provides a compiler, the Servlet source code file is compiled to bytecode files. Servlet engine uses JDK provides a virtual machine (JVM) to run servlet byte code files. (2011-02-16, PPT, 393KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] Struts2

This document describes a Struts Struts principle, the basic application and workflow, the application of its tag library, allowing users to understand Struts in the interceptors, and its international applications, along with an example. (2010-11-15, PPT, 909KB, 下载19次)


[Java编程] structs-PPT

关于struts框架的基本操作 其中包括类型转换 校验 拦截器 国际化等基本内容
With regard to the basic operation of struts framework, including validation interceptor type conversion of the basic elements of international (2009-11-24, PPT, 993KB, 下载7次)
