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[行业发展研究] Xiamen_Hongmei_AC_contactor

厦门宏美公司的交流接触器资料。 XMCK XMC0 XMC2 XMC5 XMC6系列的。
xiamen hongmei AC contactor . XMCK XMC0 XMC2 XMC5 XMC6 (2013-08-22, Visual C++, 1592KB, 下载1次)


[行业发展研究] MCP41010-D

shuzidianweiqi (2013-07-07, Visual C++, 4194KB, 下载18次)


[行业发展研究] wurenjilujing

UAV path planning algorithm research, the Aircraft Trajectory planning studies. . . (2013-04-22, Visual C++, 40KB, 下载89次)


[行业发展研究] Ichaattingsyyn

In today' s civilized society, the Internet has made revolutionary changes in many aspects of daily life, it affects the way we conduct business activities, also affects the way we pastime. Perhaps you have already sent an e-mail to your business partners, pay the water bill, read read another city newspaper or view local film programs, etc., and then, or you may research a topic scheduled a hotel room, buy a car, compare several shops, etc., these are all over the Internet these information brought to your fingertips, and these information group (2012-09-09, Visual C++, 167KB, 下载1次)


[行业发展研究] Video-monitoring-series-solution

以上介绍的这种独特的摄像机用户优先权限的运用算法是博视智能监控有限公司专门为多用户定制开发的。每个用户都有一个权限优先值,这是基于每一个用户的最终权限来设定监控现场环境的优先次序,以便当有情况发生时,能够迅速反应和采取更有效的措施。 这个独特的摄像机用户优先权限的管理同样成功地运用在香港赤腊角国际机场的监控管理系统中,充分说明了这就是现代化机场的概念,也是未来多用户监控系统的发展趋势。
This unique camera user priority based algorithm is as intelligent monitoring limited specifically for multi user customized development. Each user has an access priority value, which is based on each user s final authority to set the monitoring site environmental priorities, so that when a condition occurs, to respond quickly and take more effective measures.This unique camera user priority management is also successfully used in Hongkong International Airport monitoring management system, fully illustrated this is modern airport concept, but also the future development trend of multi user monitoring system (2012-02-28, Visual C++, 773KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] Capon-Beamforming

This paper uses Capon Beamforming to solve the existing problem in IR-UWB that how to capture the information of target. (2012-02-13, Visual C++, 207KB, 下载14次)


[行业发展研究] direct3Dprogram

微软公司于1996年为PC开发的API,与Windows 95 、Windows NT和Power Mac操作系统兼容性好,可绕过图形显示接口(GDI)直接进行支持该API的各种硬件的底层操作,大大提高了游戏的运行速度,而且目前基本上是免费使用的。由于要考虑与各方面的兼容性,DirectX用起来比较麻烦、在执行效率上也未见得最优,在实际3DS MAX的运用中效果一般,还会发生显示错误,不过总比用软件加速快
Microsoft in 1996 for the PC development API, and Windows 95, Windows NT operating system compatibility and Power Mac, and can bypass the graphical display interface (GDI) API directly support the operation of a variety of underlying hardware, greatly improving the game speed, but now is basically free. Due to consider the compatibility with various aspects, DirectX is too much trouble with it, also might not be in the implementation of the optimal efficiency in the use of the actual effect on 3DS MAX general, an error will occur, but faster than software acceleration (2012-01-05, Visual C++, 464KB, 下载1次)


[行业发展研究] GB-WSN

传感器网6项标准征求意见稿 文库里的要积分 下下来整理了一下 方便大家阅读
failed to translate (2011-12-30, Visual C++, 23025KB, 下载5次)


[行业发展研究] Design-of-intel-l-igent-PKE-system

随着汽车越来越向智能化和人性化发展,PKE 系统将会成为汽车门禁系统的主流。本文介绍了一种新的汽车智能无匙 门控系统设计方案,给出具体的软、硬件设计,并对设计中的关键技术进行详细的描述。该系统功耗低、收发距离远、可靠性及安 全性高,具有很好的应用前景。 关键词: 被动无匙门控 智能应答器 KEEL OQ 滚码编码 声表面波谐振器
With the car more to the development of intelligent and humane, PKE system will become the mainstream vehicle access control system. This paper introduces a new smart car keyless door control system design, give a specific software and hardware design, and design of the key technologies described in detail. The system is low power consumption, send and receive distance, reliability and safe, with good prospects. Key words: passive keyless door control intelligent transponder KEEL OQ roll coding SAW resonator (2011-10-15, Visual C++, 318KB, 下载40次)


[行业发展研究] OpenCLTutorial-Chinese

Over the past two decades, computer chip design, manufacturing technology innovation to x86 microprocessor performance as represented by the dizzying speed continues to improve. After 2000, high-performance microprocessors with multi-core for the gradual development. This is a subtle change, suggesting parallel as the primary means of improving performance. (2011-09-14, Visual C++, 3411KB, 下载16次)


[行业发展研究] ourdev_615514SCSFRA

在过去的20余年,我国变频器行业发展十分迅速,到目前正开始趋于成熟,主要表现在国产品牌的整体技术水平迅速提高,与外资品牌的竞争正从低层次的价格竞争开始向技术竞争、品牌竞争过渡。进入21世纪以来,我国中低压变频器市场的增长速度高达20 左右,远远超过同期的GDP增速,到2008年我国中低压变频器市场容量已达111.8亿元。受金融风暴影响,2009年的市场增长速度将会大幅度下滑,但全年整个行业仍将略有增长,而且此后增长速度将很快回升。
在过去的20余年,我国变频器行业发展十分迅速,到目前正开始趋于成熟,主要表现在国产品牌的整体技术水平迅速提高,与外资品牌的竞争正从低层次的价格竞争开始向技术竞争、品牌竞争过渡。进入21世纪以来,我国中低压变频器市场的增长速度高达20 左右,远远超过同期的GDP增速,到2008年我国中低压变频器市场容量已达111.8亿元。受金融风暴影响,2009年的市场增长速度将会大幅度下滑,但全年整个行业仍将略有增长,而且此后增长速度将很快回升。 (2011-06-21, Visual C++, 1699KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] Value-added-services

Using client-server model to achieve value-added business simulation. (2011-06-04, Visual C++, 18677KB, 下载6次)


[行业发展研究] 1

惯性导航技术的新进展及发展趋势,惯性导航系统 惯性测量单元 惯性传感器
Inertial navigation technology, progress and development trend of the new inertial navigation system inertial measurement unit inertial sensors (2011-05-25, Visual C++, 1270KB, 下载6次)


[行业发展研究] 110-35-10kV

为满足经济发展的需要,根据有关单位的决定修建1座110KV盐北变电所。 本工程初步设计内容包含变电所电气设计,新建的盐北变电所从110KV侧东郊变电所受电,其负荷分为35KV和10KV两个电压等级。 通过技术和经济比较,现采用下列方案: 1. 内设两台三绕组变压器,电压等级为121/37.8/11。 2. 110KV进线采用内桥接线形式。 3. 本工程初步设计内容包括变电所电气设计。 4. 35KV和10KV配电装置同样采用单母线分段接线。 5. 所用电分别从10KV两端母线获得。
For satisfying the demand that economy development, the authorities concerned decide to construct a YanBei transformer substation. This engineering first step design contents includes the transformer substation of electric Design. The new-et up salt a YanBei transformer substation obtain power form Dong Jiao substation (110KV) . There are two kinds of local loads in the substation,. One is 35KV,the other is 10KV. Pass the technique to compare with the economy, adopt the following scheme now: 1. There are two three-winding transformers in the substation. Voltage grade adopt 121KV 38.5KV and 11KV. 2. For 110KV main electrical connections shall adopt inside bridge connection. 3. The 110KVenters the line 2 return, The adoption builds trolley wire. 4. For 35KV and 10KV main electrical connections employ single sectionalized bus. 5. Auxiliary power system get power form the 10KV sectionalized bus. (2011-04-15, Visual C++, 254KB, 下载34次)


[行业发展研究] gussian

通过计算滤波器各滤波窗口内像素点灰度值的均值 ,以及该均值与当前像素点灰度值的差值 ,确定滤波窗口的平滑度
A Gaussian scale adaptive filter design methods (2011-01-12, Visual C++, 361KB, 下载4次)


[行业发展研究] Multicore

Multicore/public-core technology is the future development trend of microprocessor chips, the article on which the key technology and forward-looking analysis and discussion (2010-07-09, Visual C++, 1265KB, 下载24次)


[行业发展研究] zhusuji

Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences doctoral dissertation. This paper is a practical application of the project closely related. In the subject during the writer is responsible for the S60 and S80 of two injection molding machine controller, mainframe hardware and software design and development work, and organized mass production. To date, a total of hundred of sales of injection molding machine controller, installed in the center of Ningbo city, a number of areas in more than 10 manufacturers. The first prototype of which has been running non-stop in the industrial scene three years, after a high temperature and humid environment, the test has fully proved the reliability of the product. (2009-09-09, Visual C++, 3180KB, 下载37次)
