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[酒店行业] Hotel

一 开发环境 OS: Windows 2000 Server + SP2 IDE: Visual Studio 6.0 + SP5 DataBase: SQL 2000 Server + SP2 二 运行 1:创建数据库 将Hotel.sql中的SQL语句考入SQL Server的查询分析器中,全部运行; 2:建立ODBC数据源 数据原名称为Hotel_MIS
A development environment, OS: Windows 2000 Server+ SP2 IDE: Visual Studio 6.0+ SP5 DataBase: SQL 2000 Server+ SP2 two run 1: Create a database in SQL statements Hotel.sql admitted to SQL Server' s Query Analyzer, run all 2: Create an ODBC data source data formerly known as Hotel_MIS (2011-10-17, Visual C++, 5710KB, 下载4次)


[酒店行业] Hotelmanagementsystem

有需求分析,要完成本系统的运行,需要的是客户机/服务器的运行方式。采用的是 Visual C++6.0作为开发工具,采用了SQL Sever 2000 作为后台数据库,就可以满足一般的宾馆的客房管理的需求.
There needs analysis, to complete the operation of the system we need is a client/server operating mode. Using the Visual C++6.0 as development tools, using SQL Sever 2000 database as a background to meet the general demand for hotel rooms management. (2011-04-15, Visual C++, 10213KB, 下载10次)


[酒店行业] ourdev_522269

sdssosdoifsd (2010-06-25, Visual C++, 2973KB, 下载5次)


[酒店行业] Hotel_MIS

酒店管理系统 一 开发环境 OS: Windows 2000 Server + SP2 IDE: Visual Studio 2005 DataBase: SQL 2000 Server 二 运行 1:创建数据库 将Hotel.sql中的SQL语句考入SQL Server的查询分析器中,全部运行; 2:建立ODBC数据源 数据原名称为Hotel_MIS
Hotel management system for a development environment OS: Windows 2000 Server+ SP2 IDE: Visual Studio 2005 DataBase: SQL 2000 Server 2 run 1: Create a database to the SQL statement Hotel.sql admitted to SQL Server' s Query Analyzer, all run 2: Create ODBC data source data formerly known as Hotel_MIS (2010-05-27, Visual C++, 1570KB, 下载29次)


[酒店行业] PPH1.94

本软件系统全名为:PaPa_House餐饮系统(以下简称PPH)。 PaPa_House餐饮系统基本需求主要为销售、管理、生产3大流程互相整合交流的系统软件,主要完成的功能有:销售(点餐,计费),生产(余量显示,生产任务显示),管理(产品添删,余量显示,生产任务下达,财务统计)以及三者间的信息传递 PaPa_House餐饮系统未纳入功能有:人员管理,向总公司数据汇总。 PaPa_House餐饮系统有3个程序,分别置于销售前台,生产厨房和管理后台。销售前台可有多台电脑配置销售程序,厨房置一个生产指导程序,管理后台配置一个管理程序(兼服务器)。架设局域网,保证内部信息流通畅顺。保证服务器承载负荷能力、网络畅通的情况下,应满足开发成本低、软件功能达要求、按时完成工作即可,同时也降低了硬件的维护费用。
The software system is called: PaPa_House catering system (hereinafter referred to as PPH). PaPa_House the basic needs of food and beverage systems primarily for sales, management, production process of mutual integration of 3 exchange system software, the main function of the completion are: sales (at meals, billing), production (margin show display production), management ( Tim delete products, margin shows that production orders, financial statistics), as well as the transmission of information among the three PaPa_House not included in the functional food and beverage system are: personnel management, data collection to the head office. Food & Beverage PaPa_House system three procedures, respectively, placed in front sales, production and management of the background of the kitchen. How future sales may be configured computer sales process, the kitchen of a home production guidance procedures, the management of the background configuration of a management process (and server) (2009-07-03, Visual C++, 1048KB, 下载15次)


[酒店行业] 7_6_Last_LJM_1_DLL_Complete1

The hotel industry Access Controller API Interface DLL package (2007-07-24, Visual C++, 27KB, 下载10次)
