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[百货/超市行业] jicungui

某超市门口的自动寄存柜有n个寄存箱,并且有一个投币控制器,顾客想要寄存小件物品时,只要在投币控制器投入1个1元的硬币,如果此时有空闲的箱子,寄存柜就会自动打开一个空的箱子,并且打印输出一张小小的密码纸条;如果没有空闲的箱子,则提示“本柜已满”。当顾客离开超市时,用密码纸条上指定的数字密码依次输入到开箱控制器,则顾客所存包的箱子门就自动打开,顾客取走物品后,关上门。 输入数据时,可先输入寄存箱总数n,再由用户选择是“投硬币”还是“输密码”。 如果选择“投硬币”,则只有硬币值是1才开箱。如果有空闲的箱子,则输出箱子编号及密码(4位数字);如果无空闲的箱子,则提示:“本柜已满”。 如果选择“输密码”,若输入的密码与某一箱子密码相符,则显示打开的箱子编号,否则输出提示:“密码错误”。
Automatic storage cabinets with n Storage box in front of a supermarket, and there is a coin-operated controller, customers want storage of small items, as long as the coin controller into a one yuan coin, if there is free at this time boxes, storage cabinets will automatically open an empty box, and print out a small piece of paper password If no free box, the message " This cabinet is full." When the customer leaves the supermarket, digital code specified by the password input to turn a piece of paper out of the box controller, the customer deposit box package automatically open the door, the customer after removal of items, close the door. When entering data, you can enter the storage tank to the total number n, and then selected by the user is a " coin" or " lose the password." If you select the " coin" , the only coin value is a just out of the box. If you have a spare box, the output box number and password (four digits) If there is no free bo (2014-09-13, Visual C++, 374KB, 下载4次)


[百货/超市行业] EMS

1、数据库安装 (1)将实例目录“DataBase”文件夹下扩展名为“.MDF”和“.LDF”的两个文件拷贝到SQL Server 2000安装路径下的“MSSQL”/“Data”目录下。 (2)打开SQL Server 2000中的“企业管理器”,然后展开本地服务器,在“数据库”数据项上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“所有任务”/“附加数据库”菜单项。 (3)在弹出的“附加数据库”对话框中选择刚拷贝过去的数据库文件(.MDF文件),单击【确定】按钮,即可完成数据库的附加操作。
A database installation instance directory " DataBase" folder extension called " . MDF" and. " The LDF" two files are copied to the SQL Server 2000 installation path " MSSQL" /" Data" directory (1) . (2) open the " Enterprise Manager" in SQL Server 2000, and then expand the local server, right-click on the " database" data, in the shortcut menu, select " All Tasks" /" to attach the database" menu item . (3) in the pop-up " attach database" dialog box, just copy the database file (MDF file), click on OK button to complete the additional operation of the database. (2012-07-04, Visual C++, 6578KB, 下载6次)


[百货/超市行业] barcode

This program uses a data logger retrieve stock of goods or the amount of material, and then import the program to calculate the inventory gains and losses. (2012-02-16, Visual C++, 24KB, 下载3次)


[百货/超市行业] vcmap

tmeditor 城市公交地图编辑器源代码 sample 生成的地图样例 exepack 城市公交地图编辑器可执行包与使用说明
tmeditor urban public transport map editor source code sample to generate a map of sample exepack urban public transport map editor and use the executable package (2008-03-31, Visual C++, 98KB, 下载3次)


[百货/超市行业] Network_shopping

网上购物.实现一个网上购物的程序.服务器通过Personal Web Server服务器软件在Internet上发布网上订购自行车的主业,用户可以通过该主页填写定单并发送给服务器,服务器获取用户定单并反馈给用户一个确认消息.
online shopping. Achieving an online shopping process. Personal Web servers Ser ver server software released on the Internet online ordering the main bicycle industry, The user can fill in the Home orders and send server, Server users access to orders and feedback to the user confirming the news. (2006-10-11, Visual C++, 72KB, 下载7次)
