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[搜索引擎] 12BITADC

选择适当的ADC为特定的应用程序似乎是一项艰巨的任务,考虑到目前市场上的成千上万的转换器。 直接的方法是直接选择指南和参数搜索引擎,比如模拟设备上可用的网站。 输入采样率、分辨率、电源电压、和其他重要属性,单击“查找”按钮,希望最好的。 但通常是不够的。
Selecting the proper ADC for a particular application appears to be a formidable task, considering the thousands of converters currently on the market. A direct approach is to go right to the selection guides and parametric search engines, such as those available on the Analog Devices website. Enter the sampling rate, resolution, power supply voltage, and other important properties, click the “find” button, and hope for the best. But it’s usually not enough. (2016-03-30, Visual C++, 12KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] CPPBase

C++ 高效基址搜索器源码 通杀各种搜索基址,效率很高
C++ Good (2015-02-13, Visual C++, 128KB, 下载17次)


[搜索引擎] 02MemRepair

Memory modifier (2014-05-22, Visual C++, 20KB, 下载6次)


[搜索引擎] cecho_secho

网络爬虫spider,用户需要输入搜索起始URL(必须以http://开头),搜索关键词,搜索深度。显示器上显示的时访问URL获得的新URL 关键词可以是一种文件的扩展名等,而具有关键词的URL则保存在D盘根目录下,可以更改
Web crawler spider, the user needs to enter the search base URL (must start with http://), search keywords, search depth. Displayed on the monitor when you access the URL URL Keywords can be a file extension, and keywords, the URL is saved under the root directory in D, you can change (2013-05-04, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[搜索引擎] 01

本文在本课题 组开发基于内容图像搜索引擎系统V1.0研究基础上,引入多线程技术,提出多线程Web 图像搜索器的磁盘I/O缓冲方法。在深入分析和比较几种常见的搜索策略基础上,探索 出适合于多线程Web图像搜索器的新搜索策略。最后开发了多线程Web图像搜索器子 系统,完成与图像检索子系统的融合,构建出基于内容的图像搜索引擎系统V2.0。
Using content-based image retrieval technology on internet for searching images is an important and challenging academic research.Web image searcher can supply continuous image data for content-based image search engine,and it is of significance to enhance quality of service for user by content-based image search engine. (2011-10-19, Visual C++, 946KB, 下载12次)


[搜索引擎] Source-Code

1.CEveluation类:估值类,对给定的棋盘进行估值. 2.CMoveGenerator类:走法产生器,对给定的棋盘局面搜索出所有可能的走法. 3.CSearchEngine类:搜索引擎基类. 4.CNegaMaxEngine类:负极大值法搜索引擎. 5.CAlphaBetaEngine类:采用了Alpha-Beta剪枝技术的搜索引擎. 6.CFAlphaBetaEngine类:fail-softalpha-beta搜索引擎. 7.CHistoryHeuristic类:历史启发类. 8.CAlphabeta_HHEngine类:带历史启发的Alpha-Beta搜索引擎. 9.CAspirationSearch类:渴望搜索引擎. 10.CIDAlphabetaEngine类:迭代深化搜索引擎. 11.CMTD_fEngine类:MTD(f)搜索引擎. 12.CTranspositionTable类:置换表. 13.CAlphaBeta_TTEngine类:加置换表的Alpha-Beta搜索引擎. 14.CPVS_Engine类:极小窗口搜索引擎. 15.CNegaScout_TT_HH类:使用了置换表和历史启发的NegaScout搜索引擎.
C++ chess (2011-03-28, Visual C++, 159KB, 下载6次)


[搜索引擎] NSIS_Extend_Resource_Pack

LookupEx 蓝屏代码查看器帮助大家轻松速查各种错误代码代表的具体含义。 1.支持蓝屏错误代码查看。 2.支持驱动NTSTATUS错误代码查看。 3.支持Win32常规应用程序错误代码查看。 4.支持搜索引擎在线搜索错误代码详细解释。 5.支持Windows Socket错误代码详细解释查询. 选择你电脑安装的操作系统,然后"立即查看解释".
LookupEx blue screen code Quick Viewer help you easily represented by a variety of error codes specific meaning. 1. Support the blue screen error code view. 2. Support Driver NTSTATUS error code view. 3. Support the Win32 error code to view the regular application. 4. Support the search engine online search detailed explanation of the error code. 5. Support Windows Socket error codes explained details. Choose your operating system installed on the computer, and then " immediately view the explanation." (2010-12-28, Visual C++, 3022KB, 下载6次)


[搜索引擎] SourceCode

本人机对弈程序采用了多种搜索算法.以下是本程序主要的类说明: 1.CEveluation类:估值类,对给定的棋盘进行估值. 2.CMoveGenerator类:走法产生器,对给定的棋盘局面搜索出所有可能的走法. 3.CSearchEngine类:搜索引擎基类. 4.CNegaMaxEngine类:负极大值法搜索引擎. 5.CAlphaBetaEngine类:采用了Alpha-Beta剪枝技术的搜索引擎.
Games on my machine program uses a variety of search algorithm. The following is the main class of the program description: 1.CEveluation categories: valuation class, on the valuation of a given board. 2.CMoveGenerator categories: moves generator, on to the given the situation the board searches all possible moves. 3.CSearchEngine categories: search engine base class. 4.CNegaMaxEngine categories: negative maximum value method search engine. 5.CAlphaBetaEngine class: Using the Alpha-Beta pruning of the search engine . (2010-06-11, Visual C++, 1822KB, 下载25次)


[搜索引擎] SearchHistory

Search record viewer, for reading goole, yahoo, live search history and other search engines, and yahoo search station station history information. (2010-05-08, Visual C++, 11910KB, 下载8次)


[搜索引擎] MultiprotocolRFIDreaderdesignedhighfrequency

Multi-protocol high-frequency tag reader design, I search for information on their own to share, learn together, which made it very detailed. (2010-04-19, Visual C++, 5202KB, 下载18次)


[搜索引擎] htmlcxx-0.83.tar

htmlcxx 0.83 well-known HTML css parser (2009-08-25, Visual C++, 407KB, 下载41次)


[搜索引擎] filesearch

Find a document like the operating system, the use of traverse directories on a disk for a file search (2009-06-03, Visual C++, 342KB, 下载13次)


[搜索引擎] hard_drive_search

Document search engine to search for documents to support content-based hard drive, file name Additional search features, search results in accordance with the documents that match the number of words from many of the smaller sort, user-friendly index or open the file. (2009-04-08, Visual C++, 62KB, 下载30次)


[搜索引擎] google

Google Search Api轻松打造自己的Search Engine,C语言XML解析器
Google Search Api easily create its own Search Engine, C language XML parser (2008-07-23, Visual C++, 107KB, 下载53次)


[搜索引擎] Project1(soap)

SOAP protocol using a simple text search engine, can the client request to the server-side and thus the server side text file that a particular query string, the current also can not support the Chinese search. (2008-05-08, Visual C++, 6600KB, 下载146次)


[搜索引擎] SearchService

A search engine server-side, can be a specific index file first, and then transmitted from the client to respond to search requests. Using SOAP protocol packaging, I wrote it myself. (2007-11-14, Visual C++, 167KB, 下载22次)


[搜索引擎] educationsystem

new educational resources easily search for the common search to find almost all the information on the Internet, his well-known search engine databases, the Internet as a search engine, some data, the system can search multifunctional he found out. (2006-04-03, Visual C++, 1066KB, 下载47次)


[搜索引擎] SkypeClient

1、支持无限级分类,无限添加网站; 2、动态生成HTML网页文件; 3、动态生成静态搜索目录,大大减轻了服务器负担; 4、对每一个登录网站进行审核管理; 5、搜索关键词具有空格分别功能,例如:“电脑 游戏”搜索引擎会找出 关于“电脑”和“游戏”的网站; 6、方便使用的网页模板,随时做出您的个性化网页; 7、动态设置网站在搜索结果、分类目录里的排名排序; 8、可以设置登录的网站出现在多个不同分类目录上,而不需要多次登录
a support unlimited classification, adding unlimited website; 2, Dynamic HTML pages; 3, dynamically generated static search directory, greatly reducing the burden on the server; 4, a log of each site audit management; 5, with the search space the respective functions, such as : "computer game" search engines will identify on the "computer" and "game" the website; 6, user-friendly website template, at any time you make a personalized homepage; 7, the dynamic setting up websites in the search results, classification directory rankings ranking ; 8, set the Login websites appear in a number of different classifications directory, without the need for multiple log (2006-03-20, Visual C++, 358KB, 下载49次)


[搜索引擎] 教育资源搜索1.10

新易教育资源搜索器是一款运行于“客户端”搜索工具。 使用新易教育资源搜索器你可以在网络上进行有关教育资讯的多重站台的搜索,不到几秒钟的功夫,所有的搜寻结果就源源不断地出现在你的面前。 新易教育资源搜索器可以搜索的类别包括教育新闻、行政管理、教学资源、留学资讯四大类别共240多个小类别。 新易教育资源搜索器的通用搜索能够找到几乎所有互联网上的信息,他把国内外著名的搜索引擎数据库结合起来,只要互联网上某一搜索引擎中有的数据,该多功能搜索系统都能将他搜出来。
new educational resources is a search engine running on the "client" search tool. Easy to use new educational resources-you can search on the Internet for information and education on the platform of multiple search, less than a few seconds of effort, all the search results on endlessly in your face. New easy to search for educational resources can search the news categories including education, administration, teaching resources, four categories of information to study a total of more than 240 small category. New educational resources easily search for a general search to find almost all the information on the Internet. his well-known search engine databases, the Internet as a search engine, some data the multifunctional system will search he found out. (2006-02-17, Visual C++, 971KB, 下载42次)


[搜索引擎] 搜索管理器

2000 following search Manager (2004-12-16, Visual C++, 60KB, 下载6次)
