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[图片显示] qqshowpic

摘要:VB源码,网络相关,图片查询器   QQ图片查询器,可以查询显示QQ头像、空间头像、QQ秀图片,只需输入指定的QQ号码即可,程序会连接网络并将对应的QQ头像、QQ秀图片抓取并显示出来。   假如查询出错可以清除一下IE的缓存、临时文件等。   使用说明:先登录QQ中心,在查阅QQ图片;否则数据错误,查阅不到
Abstract: VB source, network-related pictures queries QQ picture finder, you can query and display QQ head space head, QQ show pictures, simply enter the specified QQ number and then, the program will connect to the network and the corresponding QQ picture QQ show pictures crawl and displayed. If the query is error can be clear about the IE cache, temporary files. Instructions for use: logged QQ center, access to QQ picture or data errors, access to less than (2012-06-21, VBA, 29KB, 下载6次)
