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[多国语言处理] rtwkeyeg

maven分模块项目+SSM宿舍管理系统+spring mvc+jquery+bootstrap+多模块+svn+分角色登录+分页+拦截器+收邮件。
maven????? + ssm?????? + spring mvc + + + jquery bootstrap ??? + svn + ????? + ?? + ??? + ??? (2018-05-05, VBA, 4KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] xuz95

软件特点 1、本软件包含会计账务管理、固定资产管理、进销存管理、工资管理四大管理系统。 适用于2000人以下的中小企业,功能强大,实现对企业经营及资产的全面财务管理。 2、本软件最大限度简化及减少了人工操作。具有操作简便、所见即所得、工作效率高、 稳定性好、安全可靠、保密性强等优点。永续使用,不需维护! 3、界面设计简约整洁,所见即所得,在页面中设有简要提示,业务人员无需任何培训即 可操作,使企业财务电子化管理变成用计算器一样简单。使用当月即可甩掉手工业 务。 4、按以上说明内容,灵活运用各项功能,即可得心应手地全面实现您单位财务的电算化 管理。 5、软件升级:下载升级版软件后,替换掉原软件即可(保留您的“财务数据库”文件夹, 即可使用您原有的数据)。
Software features 1, the software includes accounting management accounts, fixed asset management, Purchase, Sales and Inventory management, wage management of the four management systems. 2,000 people applied to the following small and medium-sized, powerful and achieve business and assets of the overall financial management. 2, to maximize the software to simplify and reduce the manual operation. Is simple, WYSIWYG, efficient Stable, secure, reliable, secure and strong and so on. Sustainable use, no maintenance! 3, clean and simple interface design, WYSIWYG, in the page with a brief reminder business without any training that is Operational to enable enterprises to become financial electronic management as simple as using a calculator. Month can be used off crafts Treasury. 4, in accordance with the above description, flexibility in the use of various functions, can be handy to the full realization of (2009-08-23, VBA, 386KB, 下载19次)
