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[物联网] Smart-Bands-System-using-Cooja

该项目是使用Contiki OS和Cooja模拟器开发下一代物联网解决方案夏季课程的一部分。
This project was developed as a part of the summer course Developing Next-Gen IoT Solutions with Contiki OS and Cooja Simulator. (2024-07-14, GSC, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] BotsManagerH1

Script to manage bots on the server, through dvars in the CFG file you establish how many bots you want to add to the server in each game, additionally it has a manager that monitors that the teams are always balanced as long as there are bots in the game, changing the bot team to balance them. (2023-12-26, GSC, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GIS/地图编程] nl-cod2-library

Custom maps for nl-squad CoD2 servers (2023-11-12, GSC, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] T6RankingSystem

在钚T6上没有真正的排名系统,则该项目将为Black Ops II钚服务器创建排名系统。,
On Plutonium T6 there is no real ranking system then this project will create a ranking system for Black Ops II Plutonium servers., (2023-03-24, GSC, 0KB, 下载0次)


[调试/Bug] t7-source

我从Black Ops 3反编译的脚本。归功于Scobalula的原始反编译器Cerberus,我分叉完成并添加了支持...,
My decompiled scripts from Black Ops 3. Credits to Scobalula for his original decompiler, Cerberus, which I forked to finish and add support for other games and platforms. (2022-04-27, GSC, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] ebc-pm

This repository contains all you need to edit and recompile our promod. The code is ready for a live server on both CoD4/CoD4X. Quake-C (GSC/GSX) (2023-05-08, GSC, 74467KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] ebc-cj

该存储库包含编辑和重新编译CJ mod所需的所有内容。代码已经为两个C上的活动服务器准备好了...
This repository contains all you need to edit and recompile our CJ mod. The code is ready for a live server on both CoD4/CoD4X. Quake-C (GSC/GSX) (2023-05-10, GSC, 49378KB, 下载0次)
