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[其他] data-editor-for-bc

数据编辑器扩展,允许您更改和删除Business Central中任何表的信息
Data Editor extension that allows you to change and delete information from any table in Business Central (2024-04-07, AL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] bc-pdf-viewer

我已经准备了一个轻量级的现成免费扩展,用于在Business Central中查看PDF文档。我不止一次听到对Microsoft内置PDF Viewer的请求。但由于微软仍在解决这个问题,我发现制作一个简化版本是有帮助的。此扩展不需要任何额外的服务器。
I have prepared a lightweight ready to use free extension for viewing PDF documents in Business Central. I ve heard requests for Microsoft s built-in PDF Viewer on more than one occasion. But since Microsoft is still working on this problem, I found it helpful to make a simplified version. This extension doesn t need any additional servers. (2024-04-08, AL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] MS-BC-Booster-sandbox

MS BC增压器沙箱
MS BC Booster sandbox (2024-03-19, AL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] summernote-wysiwyg-bc

Summernote所见即所得。免费Business Central富格文本编辑器。
Summernote WYSIWYG. Free Business Central rich text editor. (2022-09-05, AL, 38KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] WYSIWYG-AL

您看到的是Dynamics 365 Business Central的Get编辑器
What You See Is What You Get Editor for Dynamics 365 Business Central (2021-06-02, AL, 5081KB, 下载0次)
