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[雷达系统] DegreeAdjustableRadar

Zynq ZedBoard SoC讲座期末项目,度可调超声波传感器应用
Zynq ZedBoard SoC Lecture Final Project, degree adjustable ultrasonic sensor application (2019-05-13, VHDL, 306KB, 下载0次)


[雷达系统] ection-system-using-Ultrasonic-Sensor-using-VHDL

在本项目中,超声波传感器已经与spartan 3E FPGA板接口。(Digilent Basys2板)。这是...
In this project, an ultrasonic sensor has been interfaced with spartan 3E FPGA board. (Digilent Basys2 Board). This system basically an obstacle detection system which detects an obstacle comes under the range of ultrasonic sensor. In this project I have set the detection distance of 15 cm. Entire system has been implemented using VHDL. (2017-09-17, VHDL, 11KB, 下载0次)


[雷达系统] ultrars

Accurate 4 meters distance sensor implemented with an FPGA and U$ 2 ultrasonic sensor (2019-04-21, VHDL, 276KB, 下载0次)
