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[系统设计方案] MTK--pmu

pmic 应用,对硬件和软件用途很广泛,MT6305内部包含系统复位电路,能够在系统上电时对基带处理器和相关数字电路进行复位操作
pmic application,it is valuable for engineer (2011-12-19, Objective-C, 190KB, 下载18次)


[系统设计方案] embedded

μC/OS- Ⅱ is a complete, portable, curing and cutting real-time multi-tasking kernel, is to use ANSI C-language, including a small portion of assembly language code to make it available to different microprocessor architecture使用. 51 is a single-chip embedded interrupt system, timers, etc. to meet the conditions of operation of μC/OS- Ⅱ Singlechip 8. (2008-12-18, Objective-C, 1056KB, 下载7次)
