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[TCP/IP协议栈] MICROCHIP-TCP-IP-Protocol-stack

Microchip TCP/IP 协议栈是一套程序,它服务于标准的、基于TCP/IP 的应用程序(HTTP 服务器或邮件客户机等),或者使用在定制的、基于TCP/IP 的应用程序中。为了更好地说明这一点,在本文档的末尾描述了一个完整的HTTP 服务器应用程序,同时给出了协议栈的源代码。
Microchip TCP/IP protocol stack is a set of procedures, which serve the standard The TCP/IP-based applications (HTTP server or mail off Client, etc.), or use a custom TCP/IP based application In. To better illustrate this point, at the end of this document describes a A complete HTTP server applications, and gives the protocol stack Source code. (2012-08-16, Objective-C, 458KB, 下载12次)
