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[机器人/智能制造] YPLaboratory

IOS technology sharing (APP icon production, Apple internal purchase payment, imitation WeChat friend circle, imitation WeChat picture viewer, anti Sina @ people, imitation Alipay password pop-up box, imitation hair circle, black technology - unlimited skimming knowledge of traffic, tags, js interaction+wk, loading web pages, adaptive cell height, TableView embedding player anti jam, customized beautiful pop-up box, select address, select time, select color (2024-01-10, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] IoT-Home-Automation

A simple project that uses a Particle to control a garage remote over the internet, (2019-05-15, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] SFVerificationCodeView

SFVerificationCodeView,SFVerificationCodeView,实现iOS本地生成随机验证码, 从服务器读取并生成验证码 。 验证码其实主要用来防止机器人恶意注册与登陆,基本用于web网页端
SFVerificationCodeView, SFVerificationCodeView, enables iOS to locally generate random verification codes, read and generate verification codes from the server. The verification code is mainly used to prevent malicious registration and login of robots, and is basically used on web pages (2017-04-14, Objective-C, 60KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] QMKKXProduct

QMKKXProduct,iOS技术分享(APP图标制作、苹果内购支付、仿微信朋友圈、仿微信图片查看器、防新浪@人、仿支付宝密码弹框、仿发圈、黑科技- 无限刷简书知乎流量、标签、js交互+wk、加载网页、自适应cell高度、TableView嵌入播放器防卡顿、定...
QMKKXProduct, iOS technology sharing (APP icon production, Apple internal purchase payment, imitation WeChat friend circle, imitation WeChat picture viewer, anti Sina @ people, imitation Alipay password pop-up, imitation hair circle, black technology - unlimited flash messaging, traffic, tags, js interaction+wk, loading web pages, adaptive cell height, TableView embedded player anti jam, fixed (2022-12-19, Objective-C, 29554KB, 下载0次)
