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[电子书籍] CanonIraq

EpubReader,简单 Epub 阅读器,实现书籍浏览,查看目录,记录进度等功能!,
EpubReader, a simple Epub reader, can browse books, view directories, record progress and other functions!, (2017-10-16, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] ADSandEasyJTAG-H

有关ADS集成开发环境和EASYJTAG-H仿真器的使用。ADS集成开发环境是ARM公司推出的ARM核微控制器集成开发工具,英文全称为ARM Developer Suite,成熟版本为ADS1.2。ADS1.2支持ARM10之前的所有ARM系列微控制器,支持软件调试及JTAG硬件仿真调试,支持汇编、C、C++源程序,具有编译效率高、系统库功能强等特点,可以在Windows98、Windows XP、Windows2000以及RedHat Linux上运行。 这里将简单介绍使用ADS1.2建立工程,编译连接设置,调试操作等等。最后还介绍了基于LPC2131系列ARM7微控制器的工程模板的使用,EASYJTAG-H仿真器的安装与使用。
The ADS integrated development environment and emulator EASYJTAG-H use. ADS integrated development environment is introduced by ARM' s ARM-core MCU integrated development tool, the English called the ARM Developer Suite, mature version ADS1.2. ADS1.2 supports all ARM family before the ARM10 micro-controller, support software debugging and JTAG debug hardware emulation, support assembly, C, C++ source with compiler efficiency, system library functions and other properties, you can Windows98, Windows XP , Windows2000 and RedHat Linux running on. Here' s a brief introduction to use ADS1.2 building projects, compile connection settings, debugging operation and so on. Finally introduced the series of ARM7-based LPC2131 microcontroller project template to use, EASYJTAG-H Emulator installation and use. (2009-09-17, Objective-C, 512KB, 下载13次)
