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[图形图像处理] 6sv1.0b.exe-windows版本

所谓6S是SECOND SIMULATION OF THE SATELLITE SIGNAL IN THE SOLAR SPECTRUM的简写,直译的意思就是“太阳光谱的卫星信号二次模拟”。其前身为法国里尔科技大学大气光学实验室开发的5S(SIMULATION OF THE SATELLITE SIGNAL IN THESOLAR SPECTRUM)大气辐射传输模型。在遥感观测的太阳-目标-传感器这种模式中,无论是使用卫星或是飞机,获取数据的过程中都不可避免的受到大气的影响。6S就是为了模拟这种地气系统中的太阳辐射,计算卫星入瞳处的辐射能量
6S is a forward modeling software for remote sensing to simulate the geo-atmospheric system, not a "atmospheric correction" software, but the forward results are often used for atmospheric correction. Of course, it's not just the forward result of the output apparent radiance, but also the series of atmospheric quantities obtained during the forward process. (2018-09-19, Fortran, 765KB, 下载3次)


[图形图像处理] KLMAN

简单来说,卡尔曼滤波器是一个“optimal recursive data processing algorithm(最优化自回归数据处理算法)”。对于解决很大部分的问题,他是最优,效率最高甚至是最有用的。他的广泛应用已经超过30年,包括机器人导航,控制,传感器数据融合甚至在军事方面的雷达系统以及导弹追踪等等。近年来更被应用于计算机图像处理,例如头脸识别,图像分割,图像边缘检测等等。
In simple terms, the Kalman filter is an optimal recursive data processing algorithm (optimization autoregression data processing algorithms). To solve a large part of the problem, he is the best, most efficient even be the most useful. His wide range of applications has more than 30 years, including robot navigation, control, sensor data fusion even in the military and missile tracking radar systems and so on. In recent years, even it has been used in computer image processing, such as head and face recognition, image segmentation, edge detection and so on. (2015-06-04, Fortran, 2KB, 下载1次)


[图形图像处理] tongxinyuanlishiyan

通信原理实验报告包括:码间串扰和均衡匹配滤波器 数字调制与解调 信号与频谱
Communication principle experiment reports include: inter-symbol interference and balanced matched filter digital modulation and demodulation signal and spectrum (2013-11-09, Fortran, 2017KB, 下载13次)


[图形图像处理] several-filtering-procedures

matlab software programs: single-image two-dimensional wavelet decomposition, wavelet two-dimensional image decomposition, image Butterworth high-pass filter, Butterworth low-pass filter image, the image index of high-pass filter, the image is low pass filter, homomorphic filter image, images, ideal low-pass filter (2011-10-05, Fortran, 5KB, 下载24次)
