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[OpenGL] 1245

:文章提出了一个新的含有5个平衡点的三维四翼混沌系统,深入分析了所有平衡点的Hopf分 岔和全局分岔过程。理论分析证明,在特定平衡点上能产生Hopf分岔现象;Lyapunov指数和数值分岔分析 证明,当系统的参数发生变化时,系统轨迹由不动点过渡到周期轨、混沌吸引子;最后利用模拟器件设计了该 混沌系统的硬件电路,理论分析与电路实验结果一致,电路实验验证了三维四翼混沌系统的存在性。
The finite-time outer synchronization between two coupled complex dynamical networks was investigated. The continuous finite-time controller was designed to ensure that two networks can achieve outer synchronization in finite time. Sufficient conditions for the finite-time outer synchronization were derived based on the finite-time stability theory of differential equations. Finally,numerical examples were examined to illustrate the effectiveness of the analytical results. The effect of control parameters on the synchronization time was also numerically demonstrated. (2014-08-26, tcl/tk, 689KB, 下载12次)
