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[电子书籍] stablemovementscenario

用NS- 2 仿真各种路由协议性能时用到的传统运动场景发生器存在两个缺陷: 运动状态不能迅速过渡到稳态, 节点速度的 均匀分布区间起始值只能为0。为了弥补上述缺陷, Tracy Camp 研制了稳态运动场景发生器。通过仿真验证了采用该发生器可大 大缩短仿真时间, 在此基础上仿真AODV 和DSDV 两种路由协议, 首次从吞吐量、协议包开销、平均延迟三个方面对稳态运动场景 下的两种路由协议性能进行分析, 得出结论表明采用稳态运动场景进行路由协议仿真是非常必要的。 关键词: 稳态运动场景 setdest 更新过程 Random Waypoint
Abstr act: As a module of NS2, the traditional movement scenario generator, when simulating routing protocol, has two limitations. One is that the transition time of stable status is long, and the other is that the uniform- distributing low bound of node speed is only zero.To remedy these faults, Tracy Camp has developed a stable movement scenario generator.The simulation proves that simulation time can be reduced largely by using this generator.Based on this result, a simulation for AODV and DSDV routing protocol is implemented.Then the performance of two protocols is analyzed on three aspects: throughput, routing overhead packets, average delay.At last the conclusion is drawn, which shows it is essential to adopt stable movement for simulation of routing protocols. Key words: stable movement scenario setdest renewal process Random Waypoint (2009-05-27, tcl/tk, 168KB, 下载71次)
