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[Windows编程] ns-mac

S-MAC协议是在IEEE 802.11协议的SC9636-006基础上针对传感器网络节省能量的需求设计的。S-MAC包括了从各种能量消耗方式中节省能耗的方法,比如:空闲侦听、冲突、串音和控制开销。
The S-MAC protocol is designed to save energy on the sensor network based on the SC9636-006 of the IEEE 802.11 protocol. S-MAC includes ways to save energy from various energy consumption patterns, such as idle listening, conflict, crosstalk, and control overhead. (2018-03-06, tcl/tk, 1KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] Packet-Tracer

思科,2.9.1实验任务 1:设备布线。 WAN 布线。将 HQ s0/0/0 连接到 B1 S0/0/0,将 HQ s0/0/01 连接到 B2 s0/0/0。HQ 是这两条 WAN 链路的 DCE 端。 任务 2:应用基本配置。 对路由器执行基本配置(包括地址分配)。 • 对于 WAN 链路,将第一个地址分配给 HQ,将第二个地址分配给另一台路由器。 • 对于各个 LAN,将第一个地址分配给路由器接口。请确保配置了主机名。 • 为 PC 分配 .10 地址。确保指定默认网关。 • 使用 cisco 作为命令行口令,class 作为加密口令。 • 使用 64000 作为时钟频率。
Cisco, 2.9.1 Experimental Task 1: Equipment wiring. WAN cabling. The HQ s0/0/0 connected to B1 S0/0/0, the HQ s0/0/01 connect to B2 s0/0/0. HQ is the DCE end of the two WAN links. Task 2: Apply a basic configuration. Perform basic configuration on the router (including address assignment). • For the WAN links, assign the first address to the HQ, the second address will be allocated to another router. • For each LAN, assign the first address to the router interface. Make sure to configure the host name. • Assign .10 address PC. Be sure to specify the default gateway. • Use cisco as a command-line password, class as an encrypted password. • Use 64000 as the clock frequency. (2014-04-16, tcl/tk, 442KB, 下载11次)


[Windows编程] wpan

wpan源码,在NS2下应用,主要为区别于其他仿真器下的源码! (2010-03-02, tcl/tk, 737KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] mini_calc_v2

Tk written with a calculator specifically used to calculate overtime hours per week overtime tribe (2009-09-04, tcl/tk, 2589KB, 下载5次)
