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[ICQ/即时通讯] QQ-2006-the-protocol-changes

QQ 2006 协议较QQ 2005 有较大变化,最大的变化在登录部分,加入了验证码验证机制,当同一 ip 地址存在过频繁的QQ登录时,服务器会向客户端发送验证码要求登录。本文将详细描述QQ 2006 正式版的登录过程以及聊天协议的变化情况。
QQ 2006 agreement compared with QQ 2005, major changes, the biggest change in the login section, add the verification code authentication mechanism, when the same ip address frequent QQ login, the server will require a login verification code sent to the client. This article will describe in detail the QQ 2006 a formal version of the login process, as well as chat protocol changes. (2012-08-05, tcl/tk, 19KB, 下载4次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] chatroom

tcl simple chat rooms, chat functions to achieve, there are client and server-side, simple and practical. (2009-07-06, tcl/tk, 1KB, 下载6次)
