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[SNMP编程] MibBrowser

MIB浏览器 简单网络管理协议(SNMP:Simple Network Management Protocol)是由互联网工程任务组(IETF:Internet Engineering Task Force )定义的一套网络管理协议。该协议基于简单网关监视协议(SGMP:Simple Gateway Monitor Protocol)。利用SNMP,一个管理工作站可以远程管理所有支持这种协议的网络设备,包括监视网络状态、修改网络设备配置、接收网络事件警告等。虽然SNMP开始是面向基于IP的网络管理,但作为一个工业标准也被成功用于电话网络管理。
SNMP MIB browser (SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol) is defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force) set of network management protocol. The protocol is based on a simple gateway monitoring protocol (SGMP: Simple Gateway Monitor Protocol). With SNMP, a management station can remotely manage all network devices support this agreement, including the monitoring network status, modify the configuration of network devices, and to receive network event warning. Although SNMP is an IP-based network management-oriented, but as an industry standard has also been used successfully in the telephone network management. (2013-02-26, QT, 2593KB, 下载34次)
