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[操作系统开发] DART_Karaoke_Studio

在Cool Edit波形编辑界面中打开声道混合型歌曲,将光标移到左、右声道的交界线上双击,选中两个声道中的所有内容(也可以拖动鼠标进行选取),再执行菜单命令“偏好→人声消除”,然后按空格键播放试听一下,如果效果不是很好,可重复执行“人声消除”命令,直至效果满意为止。
Waveform editing interface in the Cool Edit to open channel hybrid songs, move your cursor to the left and right channel at the junction of online double-click, select all the contents in the two channels (you can also drag the mouse to select), and then implementation of the menu command " Preferences → vocal elimination" , and then press the space bar play Lyrics that, if results are not very good, reusable implementation of the " vocal elimination" command, until the effects of satisfaction. (2010-03-02, Video, 16210KB, 下载5次)
