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[文章/文档] STM32简易数字示波器毕业论文

文件主要是示波器论文 (2022-04-24, C51, 1164KB, 下载1次)


[文章/文档] 基于单片机防酒后驾驶控制系统设计毕业论文整体

Drunk driving, LCD 1602, relay control, buzzer alarm, LED flashing, audible and visual alarm (2020-05-03, C51, 401KB, 下载3次)


[文章/文档] 基于单片机的燃气报警设计(毕业论文)

In this design, the design idea is to design the hardware system around the single chip computer and gas sensor. Each device is connected with a single chip computer. The gas sensor detects the concentration of the detected gas in the air, transfers the converted data to the MCU through the A/D converter, and analyzes and processes the data by single chip microcomputer, so as to generate the corresponding alarm circuit. The alarm system module to collect gas concentration, and then through the A/D converter into a digital signal through the signal acquisition and analog digital conversion, followed by the MCU control module, analysis module in the data display, if the measured gas exceed the standard alarm module for alarm activation and then in the security module display character. (2018-03-20, C51, 791KB, 下载7次)


[文章/文档] C51 PWM

With 51 singlechip timer to simulate the PWM wave of instructions, and attached procedures (2017-08-16, C51, 8KB, 下载1次)
