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[大数据] Rudy

Rudy攻击"是一种利用低速数据传输来阻塞服务器,从而造成拒绝服务(DoS)的网络攻击。这种攻击利用了服务器的资源限制,通过发送大量的低速数据包或者特殊构造的数据请求,使得服务器在处理这些请求时消耗大量的资源,导致服务器无法处理其他正常的请求,从而造成服务中断或延迟。 通常情况下,服务器在处理网络请求时会限制每个连接或者每个 IP 地址的带宽或连接数,以防止恶意用户通过占用大量资源来影响其他用户的正常使用。然而,Rudy攻击利用了这个限制的漏洞,通过发送大量的低速数据包,来消耗服务器的带宽和资源,从而达到拒绝服务的目的
"Rudy attack" is a network attack that uses low-speed data transmission to block the server, resulting in a denial of service (DoS). This attack takes advantage of the server s resource constraints. By sending a large number of low-speed data packets or specially constructed data requests, the server consumes a large amount of resources when processing these requests, resulting in the server being unable to process other normal requests, resulting in service interruption or delay. Generally, the server will limit the bandwidth or number of connections of each connection or each IP address when processing network requests, to prevent malicious users from affecting the normal use of other users by occupying a large number of resources. However, Rudy attack takes advantage of this limitation vulnerability. By sending a large number of low-speed data packets, the server s bandwidth and resources are consumed, thus achieving a denial Purpose of the service (2024-06-10, Ruby, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] ruby-grafana-api

Grafana HTTP API的简单Ruby包装器
A simple Ruby wrapper for the Grafana HTTP API (2018-11-02, Ruby, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] kappamaki

Natural language list parser for high-level Cucumber steps, (2021-03-18, Ruby, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] ruby-flumelogger

Flume logger for Ruby, (2014-06-26, Ruby, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] flume

read status from flume water sensor and record to influxdb, (2023-05-06, Ruby, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] em_syslog

A next generation Syslog connector for EventMachine. Very useful if you want to log to Flume in Ruby, (2011-04-08, Ruby, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] datascience-vm

用于设置Ubuntu Data Science服务器的Vagrant+VirtualBox脚本
Vagrant + VirtualBox scripts for setting up an Ubuntu Data Science server (2013-11-03, Ruby, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] rggen

rggen,Code generation tool for configuration and status registers (2023-04-28, Ruby, 20KB, 下载0次)
