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[其他书籍] LLCFSF2100)

最近 LCC 谐振变换器备受关注,因为它优于常规串联谐振变换器和并联谐振变换器:在负载和输入变化较大时,频率变化仍很小,且全负载范围内切换可实现零电压转换(ZVS)。本文介绍了LLC型谐振变换器的分析方法,回顾了LLC型谐振变换器的实际设计要素。其中包括设计变压器和选择元器件。采用一设计实例,逐步说明设计流程,有助于工程师更加轻松地设计LLC谐振器。
Recently LCC resonant converter has attracted much attention, because it is better than that of the conventional series resonant converter and parallel resonant converter in the load and input change, frequency change is still very small, and the whole range of the load switch can realize zero voltage switching (ZVS). In this paper, the analysis method of LLC resonant converter is introduced, and the practical design elements of LLC resonant converter are reviewed. Including the design of transformers and components. A design example is used to explain the design process step by step, which is helpful for engineers to design LLC resonators more easily. (2017-03-16, Proteus, 4644KB, 下载24次)
