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[*行业应用] E700通讯+PID控制

三菱FX3GA PLC通信控制三菱E700变频器 正反转 读取设定速度 加减速 电流 等附带同速PID测试
Mitsubishi fx3ga PLC communication control Mitsubishi e700 inverter positive and reverse reading set speed acceleration and deceleration current with the same speed PID test (2020-02-29, PLC, 648KB, 下载3次)


[*行业应用] 恒压供水plc梯形图程序-接线图

niceConstant voltage and frequency conversion water supply can realize constant voltage and frequency conversion of water supply, water supply can be constant pressure, and energy saving can be achieved through frequency converter. (2019-04-16, PLC, 173KB, 下载5次)
