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按分类查找All 图形图像处理(3) 
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[图形图像处理] fpga-accelerator

使用Lattice Crosslink NX LIFCL-40 FPGA创建FPGA图像处理器。外形尺寸为覆盆子圆顶帽。,
Creating an FPGA image processor using the Lattice Crosslink-NX LIFCL-40 FPGA. The form factor is a raspberry pi hat., (2023-10-03, Verilog, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Pixels-Machine-II

Pixels Machine II是一个由向量处理器、线条绘制单元、双缓冲显示控制器、,
Pixels-Machine-II is a mini graphics rendering system composed of vector processor, line drawing unit, double buffering display controller, (2021-05-22, Verilog, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] 15010120041_高瑞雪_lab2

在本实验中,将使用System Generator for DSP创建一个带乘法器和累加器的12-bit x 8-bit MAC(Multiplier Accumulator),并使用System Generator 的Resource Estimator块来估计资源利用率。 在仿真Simulink中的设计之后,将从该设计中生成VHDL代码和内核,并在Xilinx ISE Foundation开发软件中实现MAC。
Design, construct and verify the specified MAC - based bandpass filter using the basic block of the system generator (2017-12-02, Verilog, 782KB, 下载8次)
