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[IP电话/视频会议] 201171312345296

This is a complete software implementation VOD system, the system mainly used in KTV, hotel, cinema room choice .... Place, open house by the front cash register, background film to maintain the client (the room) player a few components, the system more large, 5.1 in 2007 began developing in August lasted three months, for friends who are interested on VOD study to the system to have some patience, I believe the function which will help you. (2011-12-19, Visual Basic, 6423KB, 下载5次)


[IP电话/视频会议] vb

电话自动应答系统 IVR USB接口 玻瑞器转换库:已经开发好的玻瑞器单路应用程序,可以重新安装驱动后,替换该DLL后不修改程序就可以直接使用cc301的部分功能(原有玻瑞器的功能)。
Telephone automated response system IVR USB interface to convert libraries Rui glass: glass Shui have developed a good single device application, you can re-install the driver, after replacing the DLL does not modify the program can directly use cc301 some of the features (of the original glass Rui device function). (2011-09-14, Visual Basic, 36KB, 下载9次)


[IP电话/视频会议] vkControls

软件名: 语音聊天录音软件 想知道他/她在网上和别人语音聊过什么吗? 语音聊天录音软件是一款电脑自动录音软件,该监控软件能够自动记录所有QQ语音聊天、新浪UC语音聊天 、skype语音聊天及在线聊天室聊天等所有语音聊天内容。该软件也可以记录所有的环境声音,把软件装 在家里的电脑上后,就像在家里装上了一个监听器,所有电脑附近发出的声音都能够被完全地记录下来, 包括打电话的聊天内容等所有声音。
Software name: voice chat recording software would like to know his/her online voice chat and what others do? Voice chat software is a computer recording automatically recording software, the monitoring software can automatically record all voice chat QQ, Sina UC voice chat, skype voice chat and online chat rooms chat voice chat and all other content. The software can also record all the voices of the environment, the software installed on your computer at home after, just like at home fitted with a listener, all the sound near the computer can be fully recorded, including phone chat the contents of all the voices. (2009-07-12, Visual Basic, 250KB, 下载34次)


[IP电话/视频会议] PCcloseDown

定时关机软件,服务器版交换机国家 下工夫翻跟斗感到
Mytob.BSNotes software, server switches are national efforts rebounds (2006-02-10, Visual Basic, 114KB, 下载3次)
