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按平台查找All DOS(4) 

[控制台编程] sync_files

Synchronize files between two servers using SyncToy tool is a batch program, execute the DOS environment. (2012-09-09, DOS, 1KB, 下载11次)


[控制台编程] complier

Written in C with the C compiler to achieve most of the C syntax requirements, basic assembly language can be translated into (2011-01-14, DOS, 2413KB, 下载4次)


[控制台编程] cuteftp6@arongsoft

CuteFTP Pro是一个全新的商业级FTP客户端程序,其加强的文件传输系统能够完全满足今天的商家们的应用需求。这里文件通过构建于SSL或SSH2安全认证的客户机/服务器系统进行传输,为VPN、WAN、Extranet开发管理人员提供最经济的解决方案!企业再不需要为了一套安全的数据传输系统而进行破费了。此外,CuteFTP Pro还提供了Sophisticated Scripting、目录同步、自动排程、同时多站点连接、多协议支持(FTP、SFTP、HTTP、HTTPS)、智能覆盖、整合的HTML编辑器等功能特点以及更加快速的文件传输系统。
CuteFTP Pro is a new commercial-grade FTP client program, its enhanced file transfer system can fully meet today' s business their application requirements. Here file or by building on the SSL security authentication SSH2 client/server system for transmission, in order to VPN, WAN, Extranet development managers to provide the most economic solution! Enterprises no longer need for a secure data transmission system to conduct a costly. In addition, CuteFTP Pro also provides a Sophisticated Scripting, directory synchronization, automatic scheduling, the same time, multi-site connectivity, multi-protocol support (FTP, SFTP, HTTP, HTTPS), intelligent coverage, an integrated HTML editor, such as features and more rapid the file transmission system. (2009-08-24, DOS, 8216KB, 下载179次)


[控制台编程] TC-WindowsCalculator

功能:仿Windows的自带计算器 环境:DOS
Calculator in Windows (2009-06-13, DOS, 6KB, 下载39次)
