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[软件设计/软件工程] network-design

According to the actual situation of the Institute of Management, the construction of the network in the core room using the core switch, the server area switches each one each department (such as dormitories, laboratories, offices, etc.) to deploy a switch, the main building node The switch is connected with the core switch of the network center using the optical fiber, which constitutes the backbone network of the campus Gigabit Ethernet. The access switch connects the dual five types of unshielded twisted pair to the internal wiring points of each room. The business servers, including DHCP, WWW, mail servers are deployed in the core of the server room area. (2017-04-21, DOS, 1455KB, 下载4次)


[软件设计/软件工程] TIZHENmethod

The heart to pump blood out of the body caused by vibrations synchronized with the heartbeat, tremor signal generating body, its own rules and heart-related, can be detected by sensitive spinal axis force sensor body fluttering signal is weak and susceptible to interference, for this feature designed the sensor circuit and signal processing circuit, the detection method described. first original body fluttering signal obtained pre-treated to remove noise and then apply the modulus maxima algorithm for each cardiac cycle peak point, and finally determined the heart rate. when collecting body fluttering signal all the way to a single-channel synchronous acquisition accuracy of ECG as a reference to uate the measurement results show that, to obtain good results heart rate measurement method body shock signal. (2015-05-25, DOS, 323KB, 下载6次)


[软件设计/软件工程] asdsdfsdfsdfsdf

防盗报警器是用物理方法或电子技术,自动探测发生在布防监测区域内的侵入行为,产生报警信号,并辅助提示值班人员发生报警的区域部位,显示可能采取的对策的系统。防盗报警系统是预防抢劫、盗窃等意外事件的重要设施。一旦发生突发事件,就能通过声光报警信号在安保控制中心准确显示出事地点,使于迅速采取应急措施。防盗报警系统与出入口控制系统、闭路电视监控系统、访客对讲系统和电子巡更系统等一起构成了入侵防范系统。防盗报警系统通常由探测器(又称防盗报警器)、传输通道和报警控制器三部分构成。 报警探测器是由传感器和信号处理组成的用来探测入侵者入侵行为的电子和机械部件组成的装置,是防盗报警系统的核心,而传感器又是报警探测器的核心元件。采用不同原理的传感器件,可以构成不同种类、不同用途、达到不同探测目的的报警探测装置。
dfgsdfhgfg fghfghfdghfdghfdghfgh (2013-03-07, DOS, 289KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 2

Beijing Jiaotong University, a master s degree thesis, mainly about grid inverter islanding detection methods, reference value related industry professionals (2012-12-08, DOS, 2884KB, 下载41次)


[软件设计/软件工程] part10

Highway area networking no parking charge demonstration project interim technical requirements (2012-08-27, DOS, 148KB, 下载19次)


[软件设计/软件工程] AD9910_Tech_Data

Technical Date for DDS AD9910 of firm Analog Devices
Technical Date for DDS AD9910 of firm Analog Devices (2012-06-26, DOS, 258KB, 下载14次)


[软件设计/软件工程] AD9850_AN

Aplicate note for DDS AD9850 of firm Analog Devices
Aplicate note for DDS AD9850 of firm Analog Devices (2012-06-26, DOS, 343KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Proteus

简简单单教您熟练使用proteus仿真 注意,PROTEUS软件也可能能在Windows 98,NT, Millennuium等合法windows 系统中使用,只不过LABCENTER和MICROSOFT都已经不再对此提供技术支持服务。 对于PROTEUS VSM 处理器仿真,电脑CPU越快,仿真效果更好。一台1G处理器,256MB内存,150MB硬盘的电脑是进行仿真的最低配置。
简简单单教您熟练使用proteus仿真 注意,PROTEUS软件也可能能在Windows 98,NT, Millennuium等合法windows 系统中使用,只不过LABCENTER和MICROSOFT都已经不再对此提供技术支持服务。 对于PROTEUS VSM 处理器仿真,电脑CPU越快,仿真效果更好。一台1G处理器,256MB内存,150MB硬盘的电脑是进行仿真的最低配置。 (2012-05-11, DOS, 39383KB, 下载8次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Fuzzy-adaptive-control-of-PMSM

The output of the controller part of the scale factor by the adaptive mechanism of the fuzzy rules according to the torque trend library online adjustments, not only can make a permanent magnet synchronous motor direct torque control system to maintain a constant switching frequency, and can effectively reduce theflux and torque ripple, especially at low speed torque ripple.The simulation results show the effectiveness of adaptive fuzzy permanent magnet synchronous motor direct torque control strategy. (2012-04-05, DOS, 63KB, 下载74次)


[软件设计/软件工程] bugfree2.0.1.tar

火灾报警器 可以采集烟雾量等功能 温度 空气喊了的等副食品
it is a fire (2012-03-18, DOS, 469KB, 下载12次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Digital-oscilloscope

How to make better use of the oscilloscope measurement of the switching power supply board, and to better analyze the power consumption of the switching power supply board (2012-02-20, DOS, 14KB, 下载5次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 000

failed to translate (2011-05-26, DOS, 262KB, 下载5次)


[软件设计/软件工程] omronxinhao

omron 软件 型号介绍,种类说明,各种欧姆龙可编程控制器型号说明
english lession (2011-05-23, DOS, 8KB, 下载4次)


[软件设计/软件工程] FB_Compiler-Command

FreeBasic_编译器命令 使用 fbc 命令行. fbc 是一个命令行编译器, 可以在DOS 控制台、Windows 命令提示符, 或 Linux shell 下运行. 不带任何参数地从控制台运行 fbc 将显示可用编译器选项,可以调整编译器的行为.
FreeBasic_Compiler Command Use fbc command line. fbc is a command line compiler, you can console in DOS, Windows command prompt, or run Linux shell. without any parameters to run from the console will display the available fbc compiler option, you can adjust the behavior of the compiler. (2011-01-18, DOS, 2KB, 下载4次)


[软件设计/软件工程] LESSON4

Dynamic display features all the bits of digital control of segment-select line connected in parallel, from the bit selector control which a digital control effectively. Thus, it is not necessary with each of the digital control of a latch, thereby greatly simplifying the hardware circuit. Select the digital control using dynamic light scanning display. The so-called dynamic scan revealed that in turn send to you the digital control code and the corresponding bit font selection, use of LED in the afterglow and the human visual temporary stay in effect, make people feel like you are in the display while the digital control. Dynamic display of the brightness of some worse than a static display, so the choice should be slightly less than the current limiting resistor, a static display in the circuit. (2010-04-09, DOS, 238KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] c67e0045875ced68_1200051802_221.232.148.186

微机原理课程设计,简易计算器,汇编语言 源代码注释详细,大家共享快乐
Computer Principles of curriculum design, simple calculators, assembly language source code comments in detail, we share the joy (2009-06-16, DOS, 37KB, 下载22次)


[软件设计/软件工程] bdtccqylsy

Principles of Computer Organization report on the semiconductor memory experiment. Experimental purposes, including the experimental steps, the experiment content, summed up. (2009-06-14, DOS, 20KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] ysqsy

计算机组成原理运算器实验报告。 包括实验目的,实验步骤,实验内容,总结。
Principles of Computer Organization report computing experiment. Experimental purposes, including the experimental steps, the experiment content, summed up. (2009-06-14, DOS, 27KB, 下载40次)


[软件设计/软件工程] njiec

计算N!: 编写计算N阶乘的程序,数值N由键盘输入,N的值要在0到65536之间(用一个16位的字表示),结果在显示器上显示。
Calculation of N! : Preparation of N factorial calculation procedures, numerical N from keyboard input, N the value of 0-65536 in between (with a 16-bit words expressed), the results displayed on the monitor. (2008-12-19, DOS, 1KB, 下载2次)
