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[网络编程] setup

Download a document, you can download most of the documents, such as Baidu, Douding. The main is not money. (2014-12-08, DOS, 10006KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] Comprehensive-Test

Network Planning Comprehensive Test. Integrated network planning tests, router switch configuration. (2014-01-25, DOS, 25KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] A-malicious-attacker-

,恶意攻击者很可能获得SQL Server 弱口令,获得SA 的弱口令的话我们 很大程度上可以获得系统管理员的权限,前提是对方的SQL 服务器是在系统权限下安装的
A malicious attacker is likely to get SQL Server weak password, access to SA' s weak passwords, then we can get a large extent the system administrator privileges, provided that the other SQL server is installed in the system under the authority of (2011-09-21, DOS, 935KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] VLAN

By static VLAN switch (Switch) some of the interfaces assigned to a VLAN to the mandatory work. Port-based VLAN is the most useful virtual local area network, it remains the most common used method defined members of the virtual local area network, configuration is quite simple and intuitive, the sites on the same LAN network address, different virtual local area network for communication between through the router. Port-based virtual local area network, each switch port can belong to one or more virtual local area network group, more suitable for connection to the server. (2010-07-05, DOS, 298KB, 下载6次)


[网络编程] 111

Access Control List, h3c router configuration commands, network use, you can learn about (2008-11-15, DOS, 1KB, 下载2次)
