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按分类查找All FlashMX/Flex源码(7) 
按平台查找All Unix_Linux(7) 

[FlashMX/Flex源码] ljffilmlover

可以在线进行添加、编辑、删除电影资料和首页宣言 根据电影集数自动显示链接 一旦有回复内容后将自动锁定,其他人不得再进行回复,回复内容站长可以在后台更改或者删除 所有显示内容已经进行HTML屏蔽 自带了FLASH安装插件包,保证首页FLASH的正常浏览 良好的前台和后台界面 页面带有计数器
Online you can add, edit, delete, and Home Movie Declaration According to film episodes automatically display links Once your reply will automatically lock, then other people can not reply to your reply webmaster can change the background or delete All display HTML content has been shielded FLASH plug-in package comes with installation, to ensure the normal browsing Home FLASH Good front and back office interface Page with counter (2016-03-17, Unix_Linux, 494KB, 下载1次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] HF7620A-datasheet-v1.1docx150210

MT7620A路由器业界最小模组26x30x4.2mm,自己独立设计,采用严格的高速设计经验,可以在-20-80度环境下使用应用在各类数据路有设备,3Gwifi设备,网络传输设备中,性价比好 内存 64-128M flash:8-16M
300M 11n wifi MT7620A router module size:26x30x4.2mm interface:minipcie USB,2UART。I2C,I2S,TF,2LAN GPIO BGA84 ddr2: 64 128 256Mbyte spi flash:8 16Mbyte (2015-05-21, Unix_Linux, 787KB, 下载11次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] flex.l

flex lexical analyzer to read from a file into a string and statistical occurrences, written to another file- (2011-12-10, Unix_Linux, 1KB, 下载8次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] flash

这个是一个flash计时器源码 ,有需要的,下载啊
this is a good file (2010-07-06, Unix_Linux, 14KB, 下载14次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] flex

flex manual,gnu词法分析器的使用手册
flex manual (2010-04-17, Unix_Linux, 454KB, 下载7次)



ARM JTAG emulator debugging of FLASH Part Ways (2009-03-03, Unix_Linux, 199KB, 下载13次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] Flash345

"Flash (Flash)," the name, Memory is from the pieces of only single-step operation that can be erased in which all content capabilities. Military equipment from the very early benefit from this capability, military equipment contain confidential information, once the upcoming fall into an opponent, it should be quickly destroyed. And similar EEPROM, Flash data storage as well as through its gate transistors deposited in the district charge is to be achieved. Gate charge in the store is injected through a certain amount of the charge, so through the insulating oxide layer to achieve. (2006-11-27, Unix_Linux, 45KB, 下载7次)
