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[金融证券系统] ATM

Analog ATM. Simulation ATM withdrawals and other functions saving account inquiries, primarily with message queues, clients interact with the server. (2014-03-18, Unix_Linux, 6KB, 下载2次)


[金融证券系统] bankSys

1、客户端--对于去银行办理业务的人 客户在终端选择业务类型,便会取出号,上面显示自己所排的的号码,还有排在自己前面的人数。由于取号需要硬件的支持, 2、客户端--对于在银行工作处理业务的人 银行工作人员每处理一个客户的业务后,就按下叫号器,并在显示屏上显示被叫号,同样由于没有硬件的支持,这些相关信息只能在界面上显示。 3、服务端 服务端主要处理客户端发送过来的信息,并进行存储、计算和判断。当取号端取号时,发送给服务器,然后服务器进行业务类型匹配,相匹配的类型计数就加1,在叫号端叫号时,发送给服务器,同样服务器要进行业务匹配,相匹配之后计数就减1。
1, the client- go to the bank to transact business customers in the terminal select the type of business, it will remove the number shown above their row number, as well as the number of people in their front. Take requires hardware support, the client- in the bank business bank staff deal with a customer' s business, press the call control, and the called number is displayed on the display. the same because there is no hardware support, such information can only be displayed on the screen. Server server handle the client sends over information, and storage, calculation and judgment. Take a number side take to send to the server, then the server type of business matching, match the type of count 1, in the calling-side call number, send to the server, the same server to match business, match after The count is decremented. (2012-05-22, Unix_Linux, 177KB, 下载9次)


[金融证券系统] 264006Modem

It is a bank project ,It is hoped that ,you will like it ! (2012-01-12, Unix_Linux, 56KB, 下载4次)


[金融证券系统] GPScr

> 该系统包括伯乐股市系统主程序/服务器端程序/系统数据库支持引擎/GTK > 可在单进程的模式下实现基于TCP/IP的网络数据传输 > 支持分时线显示 > 支持股票明细数据,分笔成交数据显示 > 支持数据库MYSQL > 内含指标函数库,能完成一般指标的编写 > 内含配置库读写函数,完成对系统参数的读写
> The system includes the stock market system Bole main/server-side program/system database to support the engine/GTK> be in single-process mode based on TCP/IP data transmission network> support time-lines show the> details in support of the stock data, sub- transaction data T> support database MYSQL> library contains indicators, to complete the preparation of the general indicators> configuration database contains read and write functions, the completion of the read and write system parameters (2009-05-11, Unix_Linux, 6831KB, 下载73次)
