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[Oracle数据库] Oracle_RDA

RDA英文全称叫做“Oracle Remote Diagnostic Agent”。 这个Oracle诊断工具是用perl编写的,包含非常丰富的诊断脚本,使用它可以非常便利的采集到Oracle数据库服务器系统配置和数据库的详细信息。 如果您在向Oracle支持人员寻求帮助时能够提供一份RDA报告,将会大大的缩短问题处理的周期,避免信息的反复采集。 RDA不会更改数据库服务器的任何配置,仅仅是采集信息,了解系统。
RDA English name called Oracle Remote Diagnostic Agent . The Oracle diagnostic tool is written in Perl, including diagnostic script is very rich, detailed information can use it very convenient acquisition to the Oracle server configuration and system. If you can provide a RDA report to Oracle support staff for help, it will greatly shorten the treatment cycle, avoid repeated acquisition information. Any configuration of RDA does not change the server, just collect the information, understand the system. (2015-01-19, Unix_Linux, 96KB, 下载6次)


[Oracle数据库] day20

Proc oracle server to connect with a simple example for beginners to learn from (2011-10-21, Unix_Linux, 4KB, 下载6次)


[Oracle数据库] orabak

oracle automatic backup textbook, regular backups. Once a month a full backup once a week cumulative backup, incremental backup once a day, the backup automatically packaged compressed file is saved locally and can be uploaded to another server via scp (2010-03-03, Unix_Linux, 3KB, 下载7次)


[Oracle数据库] Oracle9i

oracle9i优化器介绍 oracle9i优化器介绍
oracle9i (2009-09-07, Unix_Linux, 291KB, 下载6次)
