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[通讯编程] New-Unity-Project-2.0

it s good for you,if you can got it use by fuck youself (2015-10-13, Unix_Linux, 5669KB, 下载1次)


[通讯编程] pwmtest

PUTTY 串口通信 + - ESC 控制蜂鸣器
Serial communication control buzzer (2013-04-10, Unix_Linux, 83KB, 下载2次)


[通讯编程] socket.tar

socket programing,we can communicate with the client and the server. (2010-11-27, Unix_Linux, 8KB, 下载7次)


[通讯编程] cvsd_1.0.18.tar

Adaptive Digital s CVSD is a 1 bit/ sample vocoder. It supports 8khz to 16khz input sampling and yields 8kbit – 16 kbit/sec compressed speech. The CVSD codec is designed for use in military communication systems. (2010-08-09, Unix_Linux, 242KB, 下载49次)


[通讯编程] Tinyos

无线传感器网络培训教材 !!非常全面,分析了tinyos的底层硬件调用等
Wireless sensor network training material! ! Very comprehensive analysis of the underlying hardware calls, etc. tinyos (2010-07-11, Unix_Linux, 1703KB, 下载65次)


[通讯编程] my_scpserver.tar

这是一个实现linux系统下的scp的命令相同功能的程序,客户端和服务端通信使用了自己定义了的通信协议。 文件传送协议格式: 服务器路径#服务器上的文件名#操作类型#文件大小 操作类型:0代表上传操作 1代表下载操作 文件大小:上传下载的文件大小 服务器返回的消息类型: 0 :服务器创建文件失败 1:服务器操作成功 2:文件大小不同 (未实现) 注意: 1:正则表达式没有实现 2:其余实现 3:服务器可以为多个客户端服务,用多进程实现
This is a linux system realize the scp command functions the same procedures, client and client communication services using its own definition of the communication protocol. File Transfer Protocol format: server path# Server 23 file name! Operation type# File size operation types: 0 From operated on behalf of one operation on behalf of download file size: From the size of the downloaded file to return to the news server type: 0 : The server failed to create file 1: Server operation successful 2: documents of different sizes (not realize) Note: 1: regular expression did not realize 2: the rest of the realization of 3: The server can service multiple clients, and realize multi-process (2008-09-09, Unix_Linux, 4KB, 下载17次)
