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按分类查找All Shell编程(11) 
按平台查找All Unix_Linux(11) 

[Shell编程] src

shell interpreter to write your own, there is source code, Makefile, a note, run under Linux, C language code (2016-03-21, Unix_Linux, 53KB, 下载3次)


[Shell编程] msh

Compile simple shell command interpreter (shell within external command, pipeline, lists, redirects, etc.) (2015-04-04, Unix_Linux, 4KB, 下载8次)


[Shell编程] msh

自己编写的shell 解释器,包括myshell.c parse.lex he makefile三个文件可以实现列表,管道,重定向,内外部命令等等
I have written a shell interpreter, including three myshell.c parse.lex he makefile file list can be achieved, pipes, redirection, internal and external commands, etc. (2014-12-20, Unix_Linux, 8KB, 下载8次)


[Shell编程] shell

shell command interpreter source code, to achieve internal and external commands and pipes and redirection (2013-12-05, Unix_Linux, 7KB, 下载5次)


[Shell编程] 1.0

Clean up Google browser' s cache, a key clean, no longer worried over the cache space (2011-08-18, Unix_Linux, 1KB, 下载4次)


[Shell编程] shell

简单的 Shell命令解析器的功能,创建子进程,并执行用户的命令,创建历史特性,当用户按下 Ctrl+C 键的时候打印出用户最近输入的10 个命令。包含实验报告
Simple Shell command parser function, creating a child process and execute user commands, to create history characteristics, when the user presses Ctrl+ C key when the user prints out the 10 most recently entered command. The report contains the experimental (2011-04-29, Unix_Linux, 652KB, 下载38次)


[Shell编程] shell

本实验完成了一个shell命令解释器,实现了shell的解释命令功能,实现了重定向功能和多管道、后台运行等功能。具体功能描述如下: 1)解释器的命令格式为 cmd1[<infileName][|cmd2][|cmd3]…[|cmdn][>or>>outfileName][&] 2)cmdi为命令名+参数形式的命令,<为输入重定向,后跟输入重定向文件名infileName;>或>>后跟输出重定向文件名,输出内容将写入outfileName, >>表示以追加方式写入文件,>则表示以覆盖方式写入; 3)实现了多管道 4)命令结尾可加后台运行符号& ,表示此命令将以后台运行的方式执行 5)实现了cd命令 6)exit为退出命令 7)history为历史命令,可以显示最近执行的命令,最多100条 8)!i为执行历史命令,意为执行第i条历史命令。!!为执行上一条命令。 9)’|’为管道符号,使用|符号隔开的若干条命令之间,前一条命令的输出是后一条命令的输入。 10)自定义命令myname,将输出此Shell的版本信息 11)本解释器命令格式中的简单命令可为所有外部命令和一部分内部命令和自定义命令
a shell experiment base in uxix (2009-10-12, Unix_Linux, 22KB, 下载127次)


[Shell编程] terminator_0.12.tar

多窗口终端, 这个时候就可以用Terminator这个软件,他可以把自由分割画面(点鼠标右键) 这样就可以一边编辑shell,一边执行。或者监视多个服务器。
Multi-window terminal (2009-09-23, Unix_Linux, 116KB, 下载26次)


[Shell编程] LINUX_and_UNIX_SHELL_Programming_Guide

LINUX and UNIXSHELL Programming Guide, ah recommend this book! Everyone can see (2009-03-06, Unix_Linux, 648KB, 下载38次)


[Shell编程] BeginningLinuxProgramming3

英文原版, 本书介绍了Linux操作系统的基本知识,以及如何在Linux和其他UNIX风格的操作系统上进行程序开发。本书的主要内容包括:Linux的入门知识,使用Shell进行程序设计,Linux的管理及开发工具,Perl程序设计语言,Web程序设计等等。本书内容丰富、深入浅出、易于理解,还包含大量编程实例。适合Linux的初学者及希望利用Linux进行开发的程序设计人员阅读。
English original, the book on the Linux operating system to the basic knowledge, and how Linux and other UNIX-style operating systems for program development. The book's main contents include : Introduction to the Linux knowledge, the procedures for the use of Shell design, Linux management and development tools, Perl programming language, Web design, and so on. The book is rich in content and easy to understand, easy to understand, but also contains a large number of programming examples. Linux suitable for beginners and hope to use Linux for the development of the reading program design staff. (2007-03-29, Unix_Linux, 4028KB, 下载19次)


[Shell编程] txl.tar

通信录源码,shell编程实例。将tar包上传至linux服务器后,tar zxvf txl.tar.gz,即可解压。
communications recorded source, shell programming examples. Tar packets will upload to Linux servers, tar zxvf txl.tar.gz can be unpacked. (2006-05-22, Unix_Linux, 70KB, 下载14次)
