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[磁盘编程] hwarray.12.25.21.tar

Solve the disk-bandwidth bottleneck a good program is used RAID technology. However, the characteristics of video data itself, relying on common RAID algorithms can not be memory bandwidth technology to further improve on the current market is relatively mature RAID product analysis and testing performance are not very strong. For these reasons, the video data for streaming media server features a number of proposed a self-defined rules are stored, by a certain means to achieve significant growth in memory bandwidth of the output. Through the analysis of online information and patents inquiries, that the new RAID-H technology has the original, you can very well solve the memory bandwidth improvements. Media server storage program is used to design the definition of RAID technology hardware platform, choose the IOP processor INTEL. For the rapid introduction of the system will direct the IOP in the INTEL on the development system hardware RAID-H application software development, to achi (2009-09-21, Unix_Linux, 7274KB, 下载17次)
