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按平台查找All Unix_Linux(3) 

[语音合成] webrtc_deps.tar

webrtc base audio signal processing, as well as CNG module extracts, to which is added G7221C codec 7221 for processing audio data and voice activity detection VAD CNG after package for the server to process streaming data, mixing and other operations . (2015-09-12, Unix_Linux, 387KB, 下载5次)


[语音合成] STRAIGHTV40pcode

最好的语音合成代码,出自日本,是以源-滤波器模型合成语音质量最好的开源代码,注意,此MATLAB代码,只有P-CODE 如要源码,需向作者申请
The best speech synthesis code, from Japan, is source- filter model synthesizer voice quality the best open source code, note that this MATLAB code, only the P-CODE to source required to apply to the author (2012-08-14, Unix_Linux, 560KB, 下载33次)


[语音合成] cff

conformant-fast forward规划器的源代码
conformant-fast forward planner of the source code (2008-07-10, Unix_Linux, 119KB, 下载48次)
