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按分类查找All 防火墙与安全工具(3) 
按平台查找All Unix_Linux(3) 

[防火墙与安全工具] sanewall-1.1.4-orig1.noarch

Sanewall is an open source command-line software designed as a customizable, easy to use, audit and powerful firewall builder for Linux-based operating systems. It supports IPv6. Sanewall allows users to build very readable configurations, even for complex stateful firewalls. The software can be used for almost any purpose, including setting up DMZ servers and routers, control any number of external/internal/virtual interfaces, transparent caches, source MAC verification, whitelists, and blacklists. (2013-08-14, Unix_Linux, 552KB, 下载5次)


[防火墙与安全工具] Debug_Router

Huawei. Cisco router configuration source. Support NAT protocol to support firewall, you can add your own. (2013-06-09, Unix_Linux, 1KB, 下载6次)


[防火墙与安全工具] afv0.5.5-p1

use Secure Socket security agreement tunnel. This is designed for those who do not have external IP addresses still wants to achieve Internet services in the design. Servers are placed with a public address on a computer. Client runs on firewall/gateway of a computer. This enables the client to access the Internet. Process server running without superuser privileges. No need to use any other processes or threads. (2005-03-07, Unix_Linux, 40KB, 下载532次)
