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按分类查找All Windows编程(3) 
按平台查找All AutoIt(3) 

[Windows编程] Shortcut-Payload-Generator

AutoIt HackTool, Shortcuts .lnk Payloads Generator As LNK-KISSER. (2018-02-06, AutoIt, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 1.15

常用软件安装外壳,可自行添加软件,常用软件安装器中显示0.2MB的均为占位器,请自行下载最新版软件进soft目录替换,请保持替换的软件名称与占位器名称相同,如需增减软件 修改名称等 请进【配置工具】
Commonly used software installation shell, you can add software by yourself. Commonly used software installers display 0.2MB of placeholders. Please download the latest version of software and replace it in the software directory. Please keep the name of the replaced software the same as that of the placeholder. If you need to add or subtract the name of the software, modify the name, etc. [Configuration Tool] (2019-04-22, AutoIt, 32127KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] s19file2

为了在不同的计算机平台之间传输程序代码和数据,摩托罗拉将程序和数据文件以一种可打印的格式(ASCII格式)编码成s格式文件。s格式文件是Freescale推荐使用的标准文件传送格式。编译完成之后,Freescale CodeWarrior编译器将在bin文件夹下自动生成“*.abs.s19”文件,这个文件包含最终下载带单片机中的所有内容。 源码代设计了一种算法,提供修改S19文件中指定地址的值功能。
Source code generation has designed an algorithm to provide the function of modifying the value of the specified address in the S19 file. (2018-12-15, AutoIt, 1KB, 下载1次)
