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[文件格式] WriteTheWord

读入一个正整数 n,计算其各位数字之和,用汉语拼音写出和的每一位数字。 输入格式: 每个测试输入包含 1 个测试用例,即给出自然数 n 的值。这里保证 n 小于 10100。 输出格式: 在一行内输出 n 的各位数字之和的每一位,拼音数字间有 1 空格,但一行中最后一个拼音数字后没有空格。 输入样例: 1234567890987654321123456789 输出样例: yi san wu
Read in a positive integer n, calculate the sum of its digits, and spell out the sum of each digit in Chinese phonetic alphabet. Input format: Each test input contains 1 test cases, that is, giving the value of natural number n. N is guaranteed to be less than 10100 here. Output format: There is a space between the Pinyin digits for each digit of N output in a line, but there is no space after the last Pinyin digit in a line. Input example: 1234567890987654321123456789 Output example: Yi San Wu (2018-10-26, Java, 3KB, 下载0次)


[文件格式] 第7章例题源代码

本章主要介绍Java Web应用程序开发常采用的开发模式,首先介绍Web程序中各组件之间的关系,然后,详细介绍Web程序的不同设计模式的设计方法和使用技巧。 主要有: 单纯的JSP页面编程 JSP+JavaBean设计模式 JSP+Servlet设计模式 JSP+Servlet+JavaBean设计模式 DAO设计模式与数据库访问
This chapter mainly introduces the development mode used in the development of Java Web application, first introduces the relationships among the components in the Web program, and then introduces the design methods and the use techniques of the different design patterns of the Web program in detail. Mainly: Simple JSP page programming JSP+JavaBean design pattern JSP+Servlet design pattern JSP+Servlet+JavaBean design pattern DAO design pattern and database access (2018-06-12, Java, 11KB, 下载2次)


[文件格式] JAVA1

1991年,SUN MicroSystem公司的Jame Gosling、Bill Joe等人的研究小组针对消费电子产品开发应用程序,由于消费电子产品种类繁多,各类产品乃至同一类产品所采用的处理芯片和操作系统也不相同,就出现了编程语言的选择和跨平台的问题。当时最流行的编程语言是C和C++语言,但对于消费电子产品而言并不适用,安全性也存在问题。于是该研究小组就着手设计和开发出一种称之为Oak(即一种橡树的名字)语言。由于Oak在商业上并未获得成功,当时也就没有引起人们的注意。
In 1991, SUN MicroSystem, Jame Gosling, Bill Joe s research group for consumer electronic product development and application, because of consumer electronic product variety, all kinds of products and the same products used by the processor and operating system is not the same, it is the choice of programming language and cross platform issues. At that time the most popular programming language is the C language and C++, but is not suitable for consumer electronic products, safety problems. So the research team began to design and develop a called Oak (i.e., an oak name) language. Because Oak has not been successful in business, there was no attention. (2013-09-08, Java, 10KB, 下载5次)


[文件格式] shuju

queshi shuju tianbu (2012-04-14, Java, 142KB, 下载5次)


[文件格式] java.jsp

java的编程思想习题以及答案 帮助java的初学者进行编程
java programming ideas Exercises and answers to help a beginner java programming (2010-01-07, Java, 330KB, 下载2次)


[文件格式] JavaThread

Java 多线程编程详解(chm格式) Java 多线程编程详解(chm格式)
Java multi-threaded programming Xiangjie (chm format) Java multi-threaded programming Xiangjie (chm format) (2009-11-25, Java, 102KB, 下载7次)


[文件格式] JAVA

java初学者的导航 里面包括了java基础的各个方面 很全面 里面有Applet代码、GUI代码、IO流代码、java类库代码、wong程序实例、多线程代码、讲课PPT和网络编程代码等
beginners java navigation java which includes all aspects of the basis there is a comprehensive Applet code, GUI code, IO flow code, java class library code, wong instance, multi-threaded code, PPT lectures and other programming code and networks (2009-07-03, Java, 2751KB, 下载15次)


[文件格式] javaformat

编程规范 包括理论部分和实践部分,理论部分介绍软件开发公司的编程规范,实践部分将自己开发的程序使用编程规范规范化。
Normative part of programming, including theory and practice of the theoretical part of programming software development company norms, the practice will use its own procedures for the development of standardized programming norms. (2009-04-08, Java, 181KB, 下载3次)


[文件格式] Java_api

java api是提供给用户的编程接口。通过提供api查询,为你开发Java程序提供了方便
java api is to provide to the user programming interface. Api through the provision of inquiries, the development of Java for you to provide a convenient (2008-11-02, Java, 3227KB, 下载30次)


[文件格式] jdk1.50API

jdk1.50 Chinese API, for those who carry out JAVA programming useful, it is convenient (2008-05-17, Java, 45864KB, 下载3次)


[文件格式] print

The use of java programming development environment, drawing version, you can choose to draw a straight line, circular, elliptical, etc., is the basis of graphics course curriculum design. (2008-05-05, Java, 1KB, 下载4次)


[文件格式] SUN_CodeConventions

完整的SUN公司的最新编程规范(英文版)。 (2008-03-30, Java, 46KB, 下载4次)


[文件格式] Java_Web

这个是学习网络编程的好好文档! 里面有一些老师发给的学习jsp的课件!
This is a learning network programming properly document! There are some teachers to learn jsp courseware! (2006-04-25, Java, 4142KB, 下载9次)
