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[其他] 乐高编程与创意搭建

本书首先带小读者认识了乐高WeDo产品,介绍了WeDo软件和 Scratch软件。然后通过 故事的方式,让小读者在帮助积木岛居民打败垃圾军团的过程中,搭建不同的积木并进行编 程,让孩子们在游戏中学会简单的编程,锻炼逻辑思维能力、想象力、创造力和分析解决问 题的能力。
This book first introduces the products of LEGO wedo and introduces the software of wedo and scratch. And then through In the way of story, let the young readers build different building blocks and edit them in the process of helping building block island residents defeat the garbage Corps Cheng, let children learn simple programming in the game, exercise logical thinking ability, imagination, creativity and problem solving The ability to solve problems. (2021-02-07, Scratch, 25633KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Scratch组集训教程.pdf

Blue Bridge Cup scratch group training course (2020-06-08, Scratch, 5859KB, 下载8次)


[其他] flappy birds

scratch 版本的 flappy birds,积木 编程, 使用scratch desktop 完成的。
scratch, flappy birds, scratch desktop (2019-11-17, Scratch, 264KB, 下载6次)


[其他] 弹口琴

This software can be suitable for children to learn programming.Scratch is a computer programming language designed for teenagers and children. From scratch, you can easily create interactive storylines, animations, games, music MV and other works with it. Learning Scratch can cultivate children's logical thinking ability, stimulate their creativity, and make them more and more intelligent. Children over 6 years old have the strongest curiosity and practical ability. If they have access to computer programming knowledge in this period, they can not only reduce the common phenomenon of children's "exposure to computers = playing games", but also stimulate their creativity. (2019-05-18, Scratch, 794KB, 下载5次)
