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[行业发展研究] Web

目前 在基于Internet的遥操作中普遍存在着大时延和有限带宽的问题严重降低了系统的稳定性与安全性遥编程技术的提出为这 些问题的解决开辟了一条很有希望的道路应用这一技术实现了一个基于Web的机器人遥操作实验系统
The prevalence of Internet-based teleoperation large latency and limited bandwidth issues seriously degrade the stability and security of the system away from programming technology proposed for the solution of these problems apply this opens up a promising road The technology to achieve the experimental system is a Web-based robot teleoperation (2012-10-27, Windows_Unix, 236KB, 下载2次)
